I'm a university student, and am really keen on participating. The area I love the most is Mogre, and C#/.NET development.
Would it still be possible for me to contribute in that area?
After seeing Shaun's proposal for an example zombie game, I got really excited - I'd absolutely love to build an example game to showcase Mogre too, to show people that it (along with the C# language and other open-source libraries) is very capable of supporting awesome games. I'd like to do an Action-RTS game like League of Legends or Dota. I already have the basics of one going (a Co-op Survival style one), and would be delighted to use it for a GSoC project.
But before I get over-excited and carried away (may be too late already), Is this a valid project for a proposal? If it is, i'll get cracking on a kickass proposal right away

I understand that it may be too late, as the closing date for applications is the 9th.
Any advice would be greatly and humbly appreciated