An example (Action-RTS) game made with Mogre?

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An example (Action-RTS) game made with Mogre?

Post by Aralox »

Hi there, I only learned about the GSoC today (although I have heard about it before), and read up a heap on it.
I'm a university student, and am really keen on participating. The area I love the most is Mogre, and C#/.NET development.
Would it still be possible for me to contribute in that area?
After seeing Shaun's proposal for an example zombie game, I got really excited - I'd absolutely love to build an example game to showcase Mogre too, to show people that it (along with the C# language and other open-source libraries) is very capable of supporting awesome games. I'd like to do an Action-RTS game like League of Legends or Dota. I already have the basics of one going (a Co-op Survival style one), and would be delighted to use it for a GSoC project.

But before I get over-excited and carried away (may be too late already), Is this a valid project for a proposal? If it is, i'll get cracking on a kickass proposal right away :P
I understand that it may be too late, as the closing date for applications is the 9th.

Any advice would be greatly and humbly appreciated :)
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Re: An example (Action-RTS) game made with Mogre?

Post by spacegaier »

IMHO it is not too late, but I personally don't think that a game is a proper GSoC project and I know that at least some of the other team members feel the same way. Shaun had some valid points about spreading the word about Ogre, but I rather have the GSoC projects focus on Ogre Core stuff (terrain, first steps towards the new SceneManager design for Ogre 2.0 [many GSoC project topics in this area...see the respective discussion threads], etc.) than gaining a huge ("script-kiddie") community with the tradeoff of an engine not performing as much as it could.

But that are just my 0.02 cents...
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Re: An example (Action-RTS) game made with Mogre?

Post by Alexiss »

spacegaier wrote:IMHO it is not too late, but I personally don't think that a game is a proper GSoC project and I know that at least some of the other team members feel the same way. Shaun had some valid points about spreading the word about Ogre, but I rather have the GSoC projects focus on Ogre Core stuff (terrain, first steps towards the new SceneManager design for Ogre 2.0 [many GSoC project topics in this area...see the respective discussion threads], etc.) than gaining a huge ("script-kiddie") community with the tradeoff of an engine not performing as much as it could.

But that are just my 0.02 cents...
Thanks, that's exactly what I've been thinking since I saw the game proposals.
Although Shaun's and Aralax's proposals are interesting, I don't think it suits GSOC.
It doesn't mean their ideas aren't good enough though. In fact I believe open sources applications examples built with ogre strongly benefits the community, sometime more than some GSOC projects.
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Re: An example (Action-RTS) game made with Mogre?

Post by Aralox »

Thanks for the replies spacegaier and Alexiss. I do understand where you are coming from.
This is after all for the development of ogre, and if the dev team members wouldn't feel happy with this as a project, then I'm ok with that - I'll gladly look for something else to help with.

Before I give up on GSoC this year though, I'll just ask: Is there anywhere I can apply my C#, .NET (plus Python, Blender & Gimp if they are applicable too) skills to?
I don't have enough knowledge with C++ and Ogre at this stage to really contribute with core development, unfortunately.

Thanks :)
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Re: An example (Action-RTS) game made with Mogre?

Post by kulik »

Aralox wrote: Before I give up on GSoC this year though, I'll just ask: Is there anywhere I can apply my C#, .NET (plus Python, Blender & Gimp if they are applicable too) skills to?
Ogre doesn't have any official bindings for .NET or Python. You could theoretically work on exporters or other tools but AFAIK this is mostly covered already.

CEGUI has a task that requires Python. ... r_for_CEED
Worldforge (uses Ogre) also has tasks requiring Python.

Good luck with the proposal(s).
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