Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?

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Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?

Post by lucky7456969 »

BTW, how come when I create a box, collapsed to editable mesh, but still outputting as a .material file only without a .mesh file. This happens with OGRE Max Scene Exporter.
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Re: Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?

Post by Kojack »

Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?
OgreMax and oFusion are the only commercial ones. oFusion may be dead though (you can't even get to the purchase page on the home page without using google to find it).
OgreMax is cheaper and more up to date (and has a working free version. The limits are annoying but it's better than oFusion's free version from 2007 that is for Max 9).
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Re: Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?

Post by lucky7456969 »

Thanks, I'll look into those.
What about free "commercial" exporters? We also want to keep the cost down.
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Re: Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?

Post by Kojack »

Umm, what do you mean? Commercial means it's not free.

There's a list of exporters here: ... +Exporters

Easy Ogre Exporter is the best of the free max exporters.
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Re: Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?

Post by lucky7456969 »

Whoops, still dreaming after holidays.
Yes, I meant I don't have to pay loyality and stuff like that.
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Re: Could you recommend a "commercial" OGRE max exporter?

Post by oiram »