Singleton Object

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Post by Clay »

What the Ogre singleton does, is when you call the constructor, it saves a pointer to the created object in a static variable (just like you would a regular singleton).

The trick is, before this happens, it makes sure that the singleton pointer is NULL. If the singleton pointer is non-NULL then it raises an exception.

This does not do compile-time checking of singletons, it does runtime checking.
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Post by bana »

In the example Singleton code (near the bottom) of, I have a few questions:

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template<> MyManager* Singleton<MyManager>::ms_Singleton = 0;
This creates a pointer to a singleton of MyManager right? What would be the difference between this call? (I'm new to templates):

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MyManager* ms_Singleton = 0;

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MyManager* MyManager::getSingletonPtr(void)
    return ms_Singleton;
MyManager& ArchiveManager::getSingleton(void)
    assert( ms_Singleton );  return ( *ms_Singleton );  
Why isn't an assert performed in the getSingletonPtr too? Or could it be?
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Post by haffax »

Not sure, but I think the intialisation is done this way, because of the C++ visiblity rules. ms_Singleton is declared in the Singleton template not in MyManager so you have to use the Singleton template for the scope.

The assert in getSingleton is important, because otherwise getSingleton() would fail and instead of an ugly access violation you get an assert with a bit more information. One could have designed the Singleton this way, that getSingleton() too asserts, but it is sometimes used to see if a Singleton has already been initialised (like it is done in the Ogre::Root constructor with the LogManager)
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Post by :wumpus: »

Dereferencing (the *) a 0 pointer would result in a very ugly error. That's why the assert is there.
getSingletonPtr() doesn't dereference the pointer, so it doesn't need the assert.
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Post by CombatWombat »

sinbad wrote:However, the major clincher is that Meyer's doesn't allow for specialised singletons. For example, TextureManager is a singleton, but it's never an instance of TextureManager - it's created by plugins and will be D3D9TextureManager, GLTextureManager etc. Meyer's approach doesn't allow that.
Ah, I must have missed this thread the first time around - here's my solution:

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	template <class Ty> class SingletonHelper
		// See Note (1) below regarding commented code in line below
		SingletonHelper() { /* mptObj = NULL; */ }
		~SingletonHelper()  {	delete mptObj; mptObj = NULL; }

		Ty *	getObj() { return mptObj; }

		void	setObj(Ty *ptPtr) { Assert(mptObj == NULL); mptObj = ptPtr; }

		// Note (1):
		// Horrible hack required by MSVC++ 6.0 compiler - when the compiler
		// inlines the Singleton/CreateFuncSingleton, it generates one
		// copy of the tSingletonHelper per translation unit that getSingleton()
		// is used in.  Yuk.
		static Ty *		mptObj;

	template <class Tx> class CreateFuncSingleton
		static Tx *		getSingleton()
			// You need this to be a static object so it gets cleaned up 
			static SingletonHelper<Tx> tSingletonHelper;

			if (tSingletonHelper.getObj() == NULL)

			return (Tx *) tSingletonHelper.getObj();
Just get your create to return the specialised type that's appropriate.


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Post by yuriythebest »

so in other words getSingleton() could also have been named as createInstanceOfClass() or createClassInstance? Cause that's what it does- creates instances of classes, right?
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Post by EtherealGF »

yuriythebest write
  • so in other words getSingleton() could also have been named as createInstanceOfClass() or createClassInstance? Cause that's what it does- creates instances of classes, right?
No, getSingleton() doesn't create instances, it returns the only one instance already created, what you have to do for creating an instance of the class is a new operator ....
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Post by Praetor »

Incidentally, something like createInstance is also a pattern of its own, like Singleton. That is called a factory method. It is in the same category as singleton in that it controls construction of objects (and sometimes lifetime), but they are not really the same thing.
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Update link on SIngleton

Post by msreddy »

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Ogre::Singleton Doesn't Work With MSVC++ In Release Mode?

Post by cbudin »

Hi All,

I'm having problems getting the Ogre::Singleton implementation to work with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 EE on Windows XP when compiling in Release mode. It seems that the Singleton class relies on assert() to detect a multiple instantiation situation and raise a runtime error, but assert() is turned off in Release mode (see assert.h). Has anyone else seen this, or know of a good way around it?

I think for my purposes I could just do a Meyers Singleton and be fine, but I'm curious if the community has dealt with this before.


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Post by Praetor »

Generally not dealt with it, because such errors are usually caught in debug mode. You hunt down those violations, and then in release mode the asserts are off because it is assumed the errors were fixed.