Blender far clipping distance?

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Blender far clipping distance?

Post by Hydrocity »

I'm using Blender combined with the DotSceneLoader as a level editor. Some of my levels are going to become quite large (I'm using the Octree scene manager).

The problem is that Blender seems to have a rather short far clipping distance in the viewport. Is there any way to increase it? Or perhaps scale everything down so that it's visible?

For a visual example, here is my scene:

And when I want to move one of the pillars up, it becomes cut off in the viewport. This will make it difficult to visualize the whole level when editing.

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Re: Blender far clipping distance?

Post by thebluefish »

First link brings you:
View Properties - camera clip ^

Camera clip distance, a setting previously available in the 3D windows "View Properties" panel, has also been moved to the general 'Properties' panel, now under the "View" sub-section and again toggled open/closed with the general use "N" key. Named "Clip" both the "Start:" and "End:" function values are set here that dictate how far or close the camera 'clips' distance in the 3D window; a large terrain scene for example would need a large clip 'end' point.
Try a quick search next time ;)
During the code inspection, a couple of minor points were noticed: -

Function inlining was critical to performance.
For MSVC, at least, a "delete 0" caused execution of 11 assembly instructions, including a function call. So in cases where performance is at an absolute premium it can be worth inserting the extra manual test.