I would like to do a little program using DotSceneOctree which detects any collision with surface, walls and objects. Has anybody done something like this? It would be very fine if I could take a look to that example program...
DotSceneOctree has an interface that lets you retreive vertex and index buffer for the static scene (DotSceneManager::GetVerticesPtr() and the corresponding methods). You can use these to create a TriMesh Geometry with a Physics/Collision library of your choice. Look at OgreOde in the ogreaddons to see how this can be done with ODE.
Edit: Last time I checked this DotSceneOctree interface was broken, but this was some month' ago.
What i did was implemented DotSceneOctree in ogreTokamak. using sensors in tokamak simulator you can check intersection. But its a bit complecated. So i also added Coldet collision lib. with vertex soup from TriMesh object.