[WIP] Stunt Playground *beta 3 released!!

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[WIP] Stunt Playground *beta 3 released!!

Post by walaber »

this is my first complete Ogre game project, and it's still an infant... but I thought I'd start a WIP thread, and get some comments on the models so far.

the game will be, well... a... stunt playground :wink:

basically you will be able to setup obstacles, jumps, etc. freely in an arena, and then drive around in one of several vehicles. the game will keep track of some "records" like longest jump, highest jump, longest time on 2 wheels, etc.

the game is using the Newton Game Dynamics physics engine.

I have just finished the main mesh modelling on 4 of the cars to be in the game, here are some screenshots:
Image Image

"CABRIO" and "GT"
Image Image

any comments so far welcome!!! obviously the car's aren't textured or anything yet... but I think I'll probaby go for the "shiny" look, like on the first car (using environment maps), with minimal texture details.

I'll keep posting as progress continues! up next: learn CEGUI and keep modelling 8)

also any ideas for any other fun cars welcome!! preferably something I can find a blueprint isometric pictures of.
Last edited by walaber on Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by PeterNewman »

Something in the dune buggy style is always fun/funny. Give it some slightly whacky suspension and it'll be a hit. While realistic cars are good, a few fun ones might just ice the cake.
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Post by SpannerMan »

Cooool 8)

Yeah, I agree with PeterNewman. Perhaps the token monster truck wouldnt go amiss, but also vehicles maybe just to ramp over in classic stunt stylee. Like how about things like a pensioners weekend-leisure caravan (Ive always wanted to smash one of them up) or a big red London bus etc. Oh, and you got to have a motorbike!!

And damage, via mesh-deforming and/or damage textures, that would be a very fun feature.
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Post by DWORD »

This sounds like a really cool project. :) I always loved Stunts 4d Driving (or whatever it was called), and it sounds a bit like that, although I know it isn't a remake you are doing. You've made some nice models already. For inspiration on cars you can look at those from 'Insane' by Codemasters. There were a lot of different vehicles to choose from.

Edit: For blueprints, you can check out http://www.suurland.com/.
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Post by geekster »

Will the whole game be untextured or just the cars? I actually kinda like the untextured look for some games. Maybe I'm just nostalgic :wink:

edit: typo
Last edited by geekster on Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by walaber »

thanks for the comments.. I intend to texture the vehicles, but in a fairly minimal way, just adding simple details like lights, logos, etc. and then make them all shiny with some nice environment maps :)

I want to definately add some fun vehicles, like a bus, and some more "cheesy" vehicles as well :wink:

I'd love to add damage, but it's a little out of my range at this point, both in terms of coding, and creating the content. I want to create this entire game myself, so it becomes a sort of portfolio when I'm done... thus I want to keep it reasonable in scope (so I'll actually finish it).. :)
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Post by DavyJones »

I think adding some really wacky obstacles (e.g. something like ski moguls maybe) and a 6 wheeled dealy with crazy suspension would be fun.

Or a wall of boxes with a ramp facing them.

a hamster wheel?

hehe, sounds fun, can't wait to try it out.

edit: what about one of those ramps where there is a small extension ramp at the end on one side so it flips your car and then going for distance and rotations.

edit2: oh oh and partition each stunt area so when you leave an area it cleans up and resets the pieces. And doesn't netwon have breakable joints? I am a huge fan of running my car into stuff and making a mess with lots of pieces.
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Post by charlie »

Looks really cool. I had many sleepless nights because of the good old "stunts" game.
I'm working on a similar thing, however my project (if you want to call it so, in my case it's more playing around with ogre) isn't as far as yours. And I'm using (ogre)ode for physics...
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Post by :wumpus: »

I'd love to play this when it's finished :) I loved the old stunts, especially the fact you could make your own levels and test them easily
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Post by walaber »

I've been working on making some tools for the physics, while modelling...

here's the updated GT car, with new wheel models:
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Post by geekster »

Nice to see it coming along. Is the wheel model used across the different car models?
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Post by currentloops »

Heh! Cool,

Reminds me of an avi I saw recently of some nutter going off in GTAIII. Doing mad flips and stuff.

The snow ski-doo thing has been done before on the PS1. Anything that requires creative jump and smash is always fun. Micro-machine racing was a novelty too.

If anyone has an odd fetish for rendered vehicles, I still have a demo movie (30mb) from this guy's creation

http://www.zernikegroup.com/activities/ ... per_sw.htm

Impressive stuff. He started it all here

http://research.csse.uwa.edu.au/seminar ... une21.html

Not sure if he is still churning models out though - send him an email if your keen.
fork a daemon !
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Post by walaber »

the wheel model is completely seperate from the cars, and is scaled at creation time (to match the vehicle's wheel settings), so any car can use any wheel.. however each car will have a default wheel designed specifically for it.
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Post by walaber »

currently working on an editor for creating physics objects.

basically, you load in a .mesh, and then approximate it's shape with the various primitives that Newton allows for (including convex hulls, etc).

then the app will save out a XML file which I will be able to load into my game. I'll use this to make all active objects in the game (car chassis, props, etc).


still a ways to go, but the mesh loading, and the user interface is taking shape. using CEGUI by the way.
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Post by SpannerMan »

walaber wrote:currently working on an editor for creating physics objects.
*Drools* aah now that would be sweeeet
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Post by walaber »

little more progress... I added the basic Primitive loader, and implemented a simple Error Dialog...


now I have to learn how to do mouse-picking :cry:
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Post by walaber »

yet more progress :)

the Rigid Body Designer is coming along very nicely. you can now add as many primitives as you want, and move/rotate/size them freely. here's a screenshot:


the grey object is the visual object you are trying to approximate, and the green/red objects are the primitives used to do so. the red one is the currently selected primitive.

so far it's working very well... I now need to implement:
1. the ability to remove a primitive (easy)
2. Saving and loading!!! (will require some TinyXML studying)

and then I can get back to my game


added the ability to remove primitives, as well as the save code!
I also got convex hulls working, here's an example of my mustang model, and the convex hull that is generated from it:

it saves to an XML format, here's a sample of what the format looks like

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!--Rigid Body file, created by Rigid Body Designer-->
<rigid_body name="test for now">
    <mesh filename="mustang.mesh" />
    <properties mass="100" inertia="1 1 1" />
    <primitive name="hull" shape="convex_hull">
        <properties position="0 0.9 -1.7" rotation="0 0 0">
            <vertex pos="0.67536 0.0540575 -0.741469" />
            <vertex pos="1.31233 -0.0647717 -0.704744" />
            <vertex pos="0.635047 -0.143179 -0.705694" />
            <vertex pos="0.67536 0.0540575 -0.741469" />
            <vertex pos="1.16511 0.125647 -0.743052" />
            <vertex pos="1.31233 -0.0647717 -0.704744" />
      (...vertices continue....)
            <vertex pos="-0.0227959 0.789922 0.36187" />
            <vertex pos="0.398329 0.785539 0.36187" />
            <vertex pos="0.401449 0.810376 0.240613" />
            <vertex pos="-0.0351537 0.814759 0.240613" />
            <vertex pos="-0.0227959 0.789922 0.36187" />
    <primitive name="box" shape="box">
        <properties position="-1.2 0 0" rotation="0 0 57.2957" size="1 1.7 1" />
    <primitive name="cap1" shape="capsule">
        <properties position="0.75 0 0" rotation="0 0 0" height="2.65" radius="0.5" />
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Post by walaber »

still working hard on this project... I have the Rigid Body Designer functional at this point, saving/loading, all primitives also included.

I've also been modelling some jumps and obstacles... here's a fun little video I made testing out one of the jumps:

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Post by DWORD »

Man, that looks cool! :D
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Post by Kencho »

Another program "crash" :D :lol:
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Post by SpannerMan »

Hehe, that video is superb! Tell you what though, when the vehicle lands on the otherside, make it sort of sink and bounce a bit more to give that impression of a really heavy object landing. You know, the suspension stuff. Anyway, looks great man, cant wait to see any demos of this in the future!
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Post by PeterNewman »


Dude, where's my car? Oh, theeerrrreeee it is... woah.
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Post by walaber »


started on the actual Stunt Playground project. I have the basic CEGUI interface setup, and the main track loads properly. it also parses through and loads up all of the props registered, and creates the menu you can see on the left. now I just need to add the basic prop (jumps/obstacles) placement, and clean up my vehicle implementation, and I'll have the start of a game :D

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Post by sinbad »

Looking good!
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Post by RoundSparrow »

Wow, looks like you are building some good tools and a great game. Keep us posted!