the game will be, well... a... stunt playground

basically you will be able to setup obstacles, jumps, etc. freely in an arena, and then drive around in one of several vehicles. the game will keep track of some "records" like longest jump, highest jump, longest time on 2 wheels, etc.
the game is using the Newton Game Dynamics physics engine.
I have just finished the main mesh modelling on 4 of the cars to be in the game, here are some screenshots:

"CABRIO" and "GT"

any comments so far welcome!!! obviously the car's aren't textured or anything yet... but I think I'll probaby go for the "shiny" look, like on the first car (using environment maps), with minimal texture details.
I'll keep posting as progress continues! up next: learn CEGUI and keep modelling

also any ideas for any other fun cars welcome!! preferably something I can find a blueprint isometric pictures of.