[WIP] Stunt Playground *beta 3 released!!

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Post by temas »

Damn dude, you're rocking.
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Post by DWORD »


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Post by charlie »

woooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww ;)
Simply great....
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Post by walaber »

I've been working on the in-game GUI, here's an idea of what it will look like, I'll change the font before release though for sure...

also I think a lot of people will be happy to know that today I implemented a "vehicle reset" button, so you don't have to respawn a vehicle if you end up upside-down :)

click for image

[edit]made image a link to keep forum from being too wide[/edit]
Last edited by walaber on Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by sinbad »

Man, we have to get this into the featured projects page. When you're happy with a bunch of shots walaber (9), let me know.
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Post by walaber »

wow, thanks for the offer! after a little more texturing, I'll prepare a batch of screenshots for you! right now the "big red jumps" need some texture work!! :D

in other news I found a few hard-to-notice-but-potentially-problem-causing bugs and fixed them up... on my system the game is now running very stable. :)
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Post by Vectrex »

great work!

a few things, would look cool to have sparks when the suspension hits it's maximum for heavy landings.
Can you quickly fade in particles so you don't see them spawn from nothing?
If you are moving forward at all the camera should continue moving to the back of the car and viceversa. At the moment it waits until you are traveling fast to fully go behind/in front.
Is there going to be an incar view? :) I LOVED the Colin McRae *1* in car view as I think it had a physics 'head' which the camera was attached to, so you really felt the stresses on the car. It was so cool, and then they took it out of all the sequels :(
In the editor it'd be nice to be able to press a key and add another of the currently selected object. Plus I kinda wanted the editor objects to have inertia when you let go with the mouse button, so you could 'throw' the light objects around :)
and one last thing.. where's the loop? :D

ps if you ever manage to get networking and more game stuff in you should try selling it as shareware :) These guys do it www.indiegamer.com
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Would be a great start for a "Driver" better than

Post by giyokun »

Hi Walaber,

Me and a couple of friends are CRAZY of the game "Driv3r" but only the small game contained in there called "Survival". The principle of the mini-game is to drive yourself out of a hord of police cars with an unrealistic high mass and seemingly awfully powerful engine.
One game lasts around a minute and lasting 3 minutes is considered like a difficult target!
When I saw your demo, I felt your car physics looked really much like "Driv3r" one. If you want to meet up in Tokyo and play driv3r with us, we might be able to convince you to turn Stunt into a better driv3r! I would definitely pay for such a game.

Anyway keep up the good work.
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Post by walaber »

ps if you ever manage to get networking and more game stuff
thanks for the comments.. unfortunately I have *no* networking programming experience, so there will not be a network version of the game...

I will add the "press a button to repeat the last prop" command though, it makes staking crates much faster :)

I have fixed the camera already, there are currently 8 views (no in-car view though).

giyokun - interesting, I've nevre played driv3r, but I played the original on PS, it was a fantastic game. sounds a lot different from my game though :P

no plans for making the game shareware / etc... I think keeping the game free means a lot more people will play it :D

right now I'm working on textures (got quite a few done), and adding some nice reflections to the cars... right now just using a cubemap rendered from the track+skybox, but it already makes it look much better. after a little more work I'll post some new screenshots...
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Post by giyokun »

walaber wrote: interesting, I've nevre played driv3r, but I played the original on PS, it was a fantastic game. sounds a lot different from my game though :P
The invite to come and play at Driv3r still holds, send me a direct email at gproux______at______gmail.com if you feel like having some non-programming related fun!

thanks for the great work!
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Post by Vectrex »

well, you could do what Soldat does and give the full game away, but you can still register. If you register you get some non gameplay related goodies, like customising your player. You could do the same for this, maybe letting registered users put custom decals and whatnot on the car. It's easy to accept payment with something like Plimus and it surely can't hurt to get paid a little :D Since getting a job in some dull hollywood style mammoth game company isn't the only way to make a living in games.
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Post by Kencho »

If you want really cool reflections, think about dynamic cubemapping (there are some threads here about that), that will add a lot of realism to the game.

Can't wait to see the next version! :D
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Post by Wooden »

If you make your game open source then maybe people with ntewroking programming experiance could add networking, teh game is really great and multiplayer over internet would be great also
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Post by walaber »

If you want really cool reflections, think about dynamic cubemapping
funny you should say that, that's exactly what I spent the weekend doing :)

a few WIP screenshots (you can see the 6 views in the lower-left of the screen).

[1024x768 shots]

you can see that it's definately getting there... but not quite perfect yet. I think I might have the directions for each camera wrong... right now I'm doing this:


to render each view... but the reflection doesn't seem quite right... I'll try and search for the proper way to setup the cameras. right now I render only 1 camera per loop, so it takes 6 frames to update the entire thing. but when you're playing the game it's pretty smooth. the textures are 256x256 right now, I'll probably add an option to lower the res to 128x128 for performance reasons... although on my laptop I'm still maintaing a FPS of around 30-60, which is acceptable to me. the game is playable down to about 15fps :D
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Post by DWORD »

Nice! :) I see you also got some more textures in it.

The camera directions look ok to me, assuming that the car mesh has it's front towards the negative X axis, and you're using right-handed coordinates.

Edit: With regards to the reflections, maybe you are rotating the car mesh's normals, and at the same time rotating the cube map cameras' directions? That would give a double rotation if I'm getting it right. Maybe you should lock the cube map cameras to the world axes, so the car normals point in the right direction?
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Post by sinbad »

@walaber: Damn it, man, how to you find the time for this? It makes me ashamed to see how much you get done over a weekend ;) I'm really glad you got dynamic cubic reflection going, that's one of the things that wasn't possible before 1.0.0, nice to see it demoed.
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Post by Kencho »

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Post by walaber »

thanks! it's still not quite working right... testing the reflection on a cube shows a few problems. I'm sure I'll get it to work soon though.

I think i found a small bug in the TextureUnitState class as well, I'll submit it when I have more time :)

once I get the reflection working perfectly, I'll post those screenshots mentioned before!
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Post by jacmoe »

This beautiful thing really ought to reside in the "ShowCase" forum! 8) :)
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Post by Kezzer »

Wow, i hadn't seen this thread. That's incredible work, definitely something which should be put in the pre-compiled demos methinks :P
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Post by ionstream »

Wow walaber, your doing greater things with Newton than you had before! Perhaps youre Newton lib and DLL should be included with Ogre? That may have liscensing conflictions however. Good job, can't wait for the next demo (I want slow-mo!!!)!
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Post by Robomaniac »

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Post by walaber »


today I started adding sound to the game with FMOD, and it's going very well so far.

I will be out of town from this weekend for about 8 days on business... but I'm taking my laptop with me, and hope to work a fair amount on the game. when I get back I think it'll be time to release a new beta, and some screenshots for the featured projects page.

things I hope to have in place for the next beta:

:arrow: 4 cars to choose from, fully textured with different "feel" to driving them.
:arrow: Complete replay system (90% done)
:arrow: Ability to save / load replays
:arrow: Fully textured, if not final, props and jumps including a few new jumps
:arrow: Sound effects!
:arrow: options dialog for adjusting game settings

Sinbad wrote:
I'm really glad you got dynamic cubic reflection going, that's one of the things that wasn't possible before 1.0.0, nice to see it demoed.
unfortunately, as seen in my other post, this doesn't actually seem possible right now... so it'll be static cubemap relfections until this becomes possible (I'd try to do it myself but it's beyond me)

I look forward to everyone's input on the new beta, it's come a long way since the last release!!
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Post by sinbad »

walaber wrote: unfortunately, as seen in my other post, this doesn't actually seem possible right now... so it'll be static cubemap relfections until this becomes possible (I'd try to do it myself but it's beyond me)
Yeah, my bad - I thought this was already added (since you can now write to cubemap faces) but I see the interfaces aren't quite there yet for render targets. One for Dagon.

Looking forward to the next beta!
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Post by Robomaniac »

Any new progress? By the timeframe of his trip, he should be back today or yesterday. Drop by and give us a post when u get around to it walaber :)
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