[WIP] Stunt Playground *beta 3 released!!

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Post by walaber »

well I'm back from a very busy trip, which means unfortunately I didn't get a whole lot done on the game... I did however get the sound system working alright, with about 1/3 of the sfx up and working.

I will do a little more work, and hopefully have a new beta ready within a few days, perhaps this weekend. I still want to put in all of the features mentioned above... like saving/loading replays, etc.

I also have a memory overrun issue that is really confusing me right now, that I simply must solve before I'm satisfied to release something new! :?
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Post by charlie »

Robomaniac wrote:Any new progress? By the timeframe of his trip, he should be back today or yesterday. Drop by and give us a post when u get around to it walaber :)
Hah :D , this means I'm not the only one who is watching this thread THAT closely :D
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Post by Kencho »

Hahahaa, Walaber, if you start your own enterprise, you instantly would have your first two customers here :)

Ganbari mashoo!!
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Post by walaber »

good news, I got a fair amount done today, including seeming to fix that pesky bug mentioned earlier.

I also implemented Replay saving, I now need to put in the loader and that feature will be all set :)

tomorrow I'm taking the day off work, so I hope to get a bit more done, including some much-needed texturing. hopefully I'll have a whole bunch of new screenshots and a new beta for the weekend :D :D
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Post by walaber »

:arrow: NEW BETA :!:

Okay, here it is, beta release 3 of Stunt Playground. please have a look at the readme, it explains how to use the program.


:arrow: Textured and re-scaled props and jumps (almost complete)
:arrow: 4 vehicles! (one yet to be textured, others still incomplete)
:arrow: realtime shadows and reflections! (can be turned off for performance reasons)
:arrow: new switchable camera angles
:arrow: replays!! plus you can save and load replays for sharing with friends :)
:arrow: sound effects implemented! (still missing a lot)

:arrow: automatic / manual transmission enabled (and improved)
:arrow: and more (probably :P )

here are some 1024x768 screenshots:
SHOT 01 - basic interface
SHOT 02 - placing objects
SHOT 03 - full interface / game settings
SHOT 04 - driving the "Smart"
SHOT 05 - GT car with dust cloud
SHOT 06 - reflections
SHOT 07 - mustang heads for a bit of fun
SHOT 08 - a shot from replay mode
SHOT 09 - sparks!

and finally, the:
DOWNLOAD LINK - beta 3, approx. 11MB .rar archive.

please let me know of any and all comments you have, especially if you find any bugs. the program creates a (fairly detailed and thus large) debug log, so please post/send the relevant parts if you experience any bugs!

looking forward to your comments!
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Post by temas »

Your productivity absolutely scares me. Don't stop.
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It will be just a great game when finished...

Post by giyokun »

I have been playing it this morning with lots of uncontained pleasure. THe sound is a bit malfunctioning or maybe it is normal? When you have some time, let me offer you a drink!
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Post by monster »

Walaber - Shocks and Struts.
He sure does!

Good work fella.
Keep it up.
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Post by Kencho »

temas wrote:Your productivity absolutely scares me. Don't stop.
Agree ^__^
giyokun wrote:When you have some time, let me offer you a drink!
But don't drive (;)) after that drink!

Downloading right now, but your feature list already sounds like the back of any commercial game box :D
Please, consider my suggestion to create your very own game development company 8)
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Post by walaber »

thanks for the very nice comments so far. I'm really interested to know if there are any errors / bugs you find, as well as comments on what can be done to improve the game.

also if you make any interesting arenas / replays, please post them so we can all try them out :D :D I'd love to see what kinds of arenas / replays you all come up with :P
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Post by Kencho »

The game is GREAT!! Very good job. I'll need you to teach me how to dilate time so I also can have 48hrs per day :P

I've found something like a bug. If you play the first saved replay, and then load the second, the car appears outside of the "playground", and the physics have a very strange behavior.

Also, a re-place car button would be helpful (NFS-like ;))

Man, this is getting better each day!! :D
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Post by DWORD »

Amazing game. :)

I have some ideas. It would be nice to have a handbrake to ease control of the car. Also when returning to editing mode after driving around like crazy, it would be nice if the props were returned to their initial position (maybe just have this as an option). A way to set the car's start position would also be nice.

Keep up the good work.
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Post by Robomaniac »

OMG OMG OMG!!!!11~~oneoneone!!

downloading now, expecting sexy goodness ;)

I'll post some replays this weekend when i go home

looks good so far, wasn't able to test the sound yet, but the other stuff worked fine. I don't think the high score stuff was working right (the jump would trigger after i landed, no counting, as would the otehr stuff, couldn't get 2 on the floor to work right) looks good though
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Post by bugshake »

Hey, it doesn't detect a one-wheel tripple pirouette with a jeep! :D Looks very promising to become a really funny game!
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Post by SpannerMan »

Looking great, walaber, the record and playback function is absolutely fantastic!

A few points:

- I agree with Kencho that a button to turn your crashed car upright is a definate must have.

- Like giyokun says, the sound effects seem a little distorted.

- When moving the cusor/pointer/cube thing, it can get trapped. For example, if you move it into the track barriers, it stops, but keep moving your mouse in that direction. Its like the mouse movement is still updating a position but its just not going there. This happens sometimes when moving a prop against another prop too.

- Getting the 'two wheels' stunt trick is too easy...just driving along straight, and then moving from side to side does it. It may get annoying if the words keep appearing and the sound effect keeps playing for this specific stunt because it seems like it could happen alot.

Keep it up man, your doing a fantastic job! :D
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Post by walaber »

Kencho wrote: If you play the first saved replay, and then load the second, the car appears outside of the "playground", and the physics have a very strange behavior.
I'll look into this right away, another user also mentioned it. I think I have an idea what's causing it.
Kencho wrote:Also, a re-place car button would be helpful
a, totally forgot to mention this in the docs! if the car flips over (and comes to a stop), just press "R" to flip it over at it's current location!!

DWORD wrote:Also when returning to editing mode after driving around like crazy, it would be nice if the props were returned to their initial position
I agree about this one... I guess the easiest thing to do, is have the game save the arena to a temp file when you press "GO", and then just re-load that file when you go back to edit mode.. I also agree that this could be an option- I'll add it, thanks for the suggestion!
Robomaniac wrote:I don't think the high score stuff was working right (the jump would trigger after i landed
could you explain what you mean? the message in the middle of the screen doesn't give any figures (distance, etc), but the icons in the upper left show your current records, and the last 5 messages are displayed in the upper right corner, including time, distance, flips, etc.
SpannerMan wrote:Like giyokun says, the sound effects seem a little distorted.
do you mean the sound quality, or the sound timing, etc? I'm very new to FMOD, but they sound alright on my system...
SpannerMan wrote:Getting the 'two wheels' stunt trick is too easy...
I think you're probably right about this one. I'll make it so it doesn't register "2 wheels" unless you maintiain it for over 2 seconds or something higher than the current value.

thanks again for the input everyone, I'll keep working to make the game even better :)

if anyone makes a cool arena, please post a zip of the file! :D
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Post by alphageek »

This is totally ninja walaber. Congrats.
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Post by sinbad »

Great fun, excellent work walaber. I agree a 'reset arena' option would be great. The smart car is a little impractical at the moment due to it's extreme instability, probably needs a tweak.

How about firework launchers? In most real stunt performances, firework launchers tend to be strategically placed at the end of ramps, etc. Might be fun to play with.

Finally, I couldn't help wanting a 'nitro' button. When approaching the bigger ramps, once I'd hit top speed it didn't really feel fast enough. I would have loved a 2-second boost or something just before the ramp to really launch it :twisted:
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Post by Kencho »

I hope not to find myself in front of a car with you inside!! Hahaha.

My vote for the fireworks too 8)
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Post by Robomaniac »

Fireworks and Nitro would be wicked sweet and totally awesome.

As would a reset arena
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Post by regress »


I've been following the thread the whole time, but I just now tried out the newest demo.

Unfortunately, I think you may start recieving death threats if you don't open source this - it's too cool! I'm sure everyone wants to add their own features :P

Anyway, great job, I know you can't open source it cause it's your resume, but how about the world editor? it's great how it's integrated into the physics . . . and the tool that makes the physics primitives from the mesh?

Let us know how much you're able to share with us, as you're obviously a talented programmer!

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Post by eugen »

nice demo! i played for a while and is verrrry enjoyable :)
what physics engine do u use?
and how did u implemnted the physical entities in the game (not the car but the cone, the barrels...)?
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Post by walaber »

eugen wrote:what physics engine do u use?
The game uses the Newton Game Dynamics physics SDK, currently available for PC and MAC (Linux on the way). I have created a library also that integrates Newton with Ogre, called OgreNewt, which I'm using to write the game.

There were reports of crashing and error when loading more than 1 replay without quitting, and a few other bugs that I have fixed up. the download has been updated, but for those who have already downloaded, just download the patch below, and replace the StuntPlayground.exe file.

:arrow: Stunt Playground beta3 - patch 1
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Post by walaber »

a user has sent me a few arenas and replays that I though would be worth showing you:

[ nimp2 ][ complex_arena ][ mad_racer ]
Image Image Image

just grab the download below, and extract the .arena files into your "Media/arenas" folder in the Stunt Playground directory. they should load up no problem. note that "complex_arena" has a LOT of props, and if you have a slow/midrange computer, you might now want to try loading it (or at least turn off shadow shading first)!! :P

there are also a few simple replays in the replay download, extract them to the "Media/replays" directory.

:arrow: ARENA_PACK1 - .rar archive
:arrow: REPLAY_PACK1 - .rar archive

some of those arenas must have taken a lot of patience to build!! especially because the current release doesn't have the handy "repeat last prop" shortcut, which I added this morning. with this feature, you can just press the "R" button in edit mode, and it will spawn another of the last prop you placed. very handy for making designs with cones, stacking crates, etc :D it will be in the next release of course, along with some more props hopefully :)
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Post by pratty70 »

I just want to add my congrats for this awesome project - I have a directory full (and I mean FULL) of ogre downloads, but this has now earned a specific directory with the arenas, replays, and each release.

I just want to say - nice work.

Thanks, I play this game between the frustration of writing my own game to let off some steam - used to love the old stunt car racer on the amiga, I know not quite the same thing, but this is MORE fun.

Can't wait to let off some steam on the new arena and watch the replays.

Nice one.

Once again, thanks.