Kencho wrote: If you play the first saved replay, and then load the second, the car appears outside of the "playground", and the physics have a very strange behavior.
I'll look into this right away, another user also mentioned it. I think I have an idea what's causing it.
Kencho wrote:Also, a re-place car button would be helpful
a, totally forgot to mention this in the docs! if the car flips over (and comes to a stop), just press "R" to flip it over at it's current location!!
DWORD wrote:Also when returning to editing mode after driving around like crazy, it would be nice if the props were returned to their initial position
I agree about this one... I guess the easiest thing to do, is have the game save the arena to a temp file when you press "GO", and then just re-load that file when you go back to edit mode.. I also agree that this could be an option- I'll add it, thanks for the suggestion!
Robomaniac wrote:I don't think the high score stuff was working right (the jump would trigger after i landed
could you explain what you mean? the message in the middle of the screen doesn't give any figures (distance, etc), but the icons in the upper left show your current records, and the last 5 messages are displayed in the upper right corner, including time, distance, flips, etc.
SpannerMan wrote:Like giyokun says, the sound effects seem a little distorted.
do you mean the sound quality, or the sound timing, etc? I'm very new to FMOD, but they sound alright on my system...
SpannerMan wrote:Getting the 'two wheels' stunt trick is too easy...
I think you're probably right about this one. I'll make it so it doesn't register "2 wheels" unless you maintiain it for over 2 seconds or something higher than the current value.
thanks again for the input everyone, I'll keep working to make the game even better
if anyone makes a cool arena, please post a zip of the file!