Learning to model

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Learning to model

Post by runfrodorun »

Please don't facepalm on me too quick; I'm sure you get this a lot :P

I've always been a programmer on projects with and without ogre, but inevitably, I've acquired an interest in doing projects by myself or with 1 or 2 of my friends. It would be nice to know how to make models, for without them there is no game. I'm looking into using a program like blender (because I'm poor and can't afford anything better) but I don't know what resources to utilize as I try to teach myself. I'm fairly artistically inclined, and I feel like knowledge on how to use the program should be sufficient to get started with very basic models. Are there any online tutorials/resources that I could use to get started? Any and all help appreciated, thank you in advance.
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Re: Learning to model

Post by bstone »

Blender is the best modeling tool for a programmer (who codes with the keyboard and not the mouse :) ). The fact that it is free doesn't mean it's not as good as anything you have to pay for. It actually lets you do some crazy stuff you would never be able to pull off with 3ds/Maya (e.g. I modded it to bake single bounce indirect lighting when I happened to need that).

Start with a few tutorials on Blender's UI, then perhaps a few modeling tuts. It shouldn't be very hard - it's just a bunch of vertices and faces after all. But having a dedicated artist is still the best option :wink:
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Re: Learning to model

Post by runfrodorun »

Thanks for the advice! This is something I've been meaning to do for a long time, just never got around to it. I'd love to have a dedicated artist, but I'm working on a few other projects with people right now and I don't think I'm going to have a lot of time to do this, and it's easy for me to say I'm going to put it on the back burner, but it might not be that easy for the other guy, so I figured I'd just get started alone and see what happens. Thanks again!
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