We internally have come up with a list of topics that we consider especially important and would therefore like to see covered in this year's GSoC 2013. That doesn't necessarily mean that we will not accept other topics (just try to convince us

But remember: There is no sense in now trying to force yourself into one of these topics, just for the sake of it, if you don't have the necessary skills, knowledge and motivation to actually properly tackle those...and believe us: we will find out, most likely already in the early discussion before GSoC actually starts, so please don't test us

Note: The order has no particular meaning other than that was the order we discussed the ideas!
1. Automated nightly builds / continuous integration / completion of visual testing
Picking up the previous GSoC project that set the foundation for visual test cases. Polish it and implement a productive version for Ogre, combined with continous integration / nightly builds for all supported platforms, e.g. in combination with JIRA via the Atlassian product "Bamboo". Also, expansion of the functional unit tests.
2. Modularization of the Animation system + refactoring and extending
As part of our effort to make Ogre more modular, the animation system should be moved into an own component and at the same time various bugs should get fixed and new features implemented.
The problem with the actual impl is that the core is polluted with animation members regardless you need animation or not. Decoupling means here to remove all members which for example exists in the Node class which is just there for the node track animation and move that into a own animation component.
After that the student should rework the software skinning part using OpenCL or make an addition to the current implementation which make use of many cores. This work could lead into Ogre 2.0 direction because mentor and student could start with an actual problem.
We could also split this to two students.
3. Ogre Footprint Profiling / FPS hickups / Ogre String ID removal
Further investigation into Ogre's bottlenecks as an addition to Mathias' powerpoint slides. Also optimization of Ogre's footprint, e.g. by getting rid of all the string identifiers which are a huge issue on mobile devices since they get backed into the DLLs and executables and bloat up the result.
So removing all runtime string constructions / comparisons throughout the whole library - which also covers the material parser.
4. Coverity Development Testing/Analysis
The project will be to run Coverity (we have an open-source license) on our code base, create a "how to" that will save us time to recreate the test in the future, create virtual machine with the needed tools. Then fix the issues found by Coverity, perhaps create bugs in ours bug tracking system for all the issues. Optionally, also fix the issues the PSV Visual Studio plugin reports for which we also have a team license.
5. Improve RTSS performance
RTSS has still some potential for performance improvements e.g. by adding a better state identification.
RTSS is really important on mobile devices, but we would need to target a major rework how shaders are generated.
First modify RTSS to generate shaders without the usage of sub-functions (this a killer for most drivers on Android). The thing would be to change the shader library instead of functions we should create some kind of snippets - in this part we should be thinking a bit in the direction of unity how it can define shaders at a higher level.
6. Ogre 2.0 Refactoring
Similar to idea #3, tackling first parts of the redesign, e.g. the SceneManager traversal. This would be an R&D project were the student tries to refactor the SceneManager into more maintainable code + documentation. This is more a refactoring task but it could be used as base because I (Murat) do not thing we can merge this back 1:1.
7. Texture Streaming
A modern technique, that would help things like the terrain system, loading times, etc. See the Help Requested page for more info.
PS: More ideas can be drawn from the links in the "Sources" section in the general GSoC 2013 information thread!