Planar environment map with RTSS.

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Planar environment map with RTSS.

Post by Nicker »

In my quest to find an environment map for a plane in Ogre, I came across 'env_map planar' texture coordinates.
I was creating a plane that uses the following material.

Code: Select all

material PlanarEnv
				texture ToastMapOfEarth.jpg
				env_map planar
The material doesn't work at all with RTSS.
I found out that the problem lies in the vertex shading function FFP_GenerateTexCoord_EnvMap_Sphere found in \Media\RTShaderLib\[ShadingLanguage]\FFPLib_Texturing.[ShadingLanguage]

FFP_GenerateTexCoord_EnvMap_Sphere maps UV coordinates as a function of the object's Normal, denoted as 'N' as follows:
U = Nx / 2 + 0.5
V = Ny / 2 + 0.5

The reason it doesn't work is because all the normals in a plane have the same values, hence UV coordinates are the same, hence the problem.

In order To fix the issue I rewrote FFP_GenerateTexCoord_EnvMap_Sphere according to this document ... de184.html as follows:

Code: Select all

void FFP_GenerateTexCoord_EnvMap_Sphere(in	float4x4	mWorld,
										in	float4x4	mView,
										in	float4x4	mWorldViewIT,
										in	float4		vPos,
										in	float3		vNormal,
										in	float4x4	mTexture,
										out float2		vOut)
	float4x4 worldview = mul(mView,mWorld);
	float3 normal = normalize(mul(mWorldViewIT,float4(vNormal,0.0)).xyz); 
	float3 eyedir =  normalize(mul(worldview, vPos)).xyz;
	float3 r = reflect(eyedir, normal);
	float two_p = 2.0 * sqrt( r.x *  r.x +  r.y *  r.y +  (r.z + 1.0) *  (r.z + 1.0));
	vOut = mul(mTexture,float4(0.5 + r.x / two_p,0.5 - r.y / two_p,0.0,0.0)).xy;

The file OgreShaderFFPTexturing.cpp also had to be changed according to FFP_GenerateTexCoord_EnvMap_Sphere input parameters.

* notice the change of the input parameter mWorldIT to mWorldViewIT.

* 'ToastMapOfEarth.jpg' can be found here ... fEarth.jpg
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Re: Planar environment map with RTSS.

Post by masterfalcon »

Would you mind submitting a pull request with these changes so they can be reviewed? Thanks!
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Joined: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:34 am

Re: Planar environment map with RTSS.

Post by Nicker »

These change have already been merged to Ogre.