Survey for Wiki

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Survey for Wiki

Post by Baldrake »

I'm an Ogre newbler, and am trying to document some of the things I find out as I find them.

If you want to do game development with Ogre, one of the biggest learning curve problems is figuring out all the other tools you should use. In this spirit, I propose this survey. I will collate the results, dig up appropriate links, and make a Wiki entry at the end.

Thanks for participating!

Please fill in entries for the following fields, and post below. If you have multiple projects ongoing, feel free to answer the survey multiple times. Feel free to use entries such as "none" or "custom-built" as appropriate.

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): _______________

Rendering engine: ___ Ogre, natch _______

Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): ____________

Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): ______________

World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): ________________

Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): _________________

Physics engine (ODE, etc.): ________________

Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): _______________

AI Libraries: __________________

Networking libraries: __________________

Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): _________________

Any other tools: ____________________

Comments: _____________________

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Post by Emmeran »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Realtime Strategy Game (like C&C Generals)

Rendering engine: Ogre 0.1.0 RC + CEGUI 0.2.0
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Milkshape 1.2.6
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Photoshop, MS Paint :-D
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): none yet
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): none yet
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): none
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): OctreeSceneManager, ParticleFX, CEGUI
AI Libraries: custom-built
Networking libraries: custom-built
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): none
Any other tools: VC6, wincvs, Visual Assist X
Comments: I love OGRE :D

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Post by nfz »

Application type: Industrial machinery Operator Trainers

Rendering engine: Ogre + CEGUI
Object modeling tool: Blender
Drawing/painting tool: Gimp
World design tool : Blender + custom built
Level design tool : Blender + custom built
Physics engine: ODE + custom built
Ogre add-ons: none
AI Libraries: custom built
Networking libraries: none at the moment
Scripting tools: Lua + LuaBind
Any other tools: VC7.1, MingW, DIA

Comments: _____________________
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Post by spookyboo »

Don't forget Yake. Yake glues audio, physics, scripting, etc. together. I´m watching it with a birds eye (is that the right phrase?) for several months now. Haven´t tried it yet, but I´m waiting until the 0.2 stable release.
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Post by Clay »

Birds eye means you try to grasp the big picture of it. I think you are looking for "hawk's" eye, at least for the American English idiom. =)
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Re: Survey for Wiki

Post by :wumpus: »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Puzzle game

Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Blender

Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Gimp

World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Blender

Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): Ingame

Physics engine (ODE, etc.): ODE

Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): OgreODE, maybe

AI Libraries: N/A

Networking libraries: N/A

Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): Python most probably
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Post by bana »

Application type: FPS
Rendering engine: Ogre
Object modeling tool 3ds Max & Blender
Drawing/painting tool: Gimp
World design too: None
Level design tool: 3ds Max & Blender
Physics engine: ODE
Ogre add-ons: dotscene, dotsceneoctree
AI Libraries: None
Networking libraries: Raknet
Scripting tools: None
Any other tools: ORB (Open Render Bump)
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Post by Robomaniac »

App Type: FPS
Rendering Engine: Ogre
Object modelling: Milkshape 3D
Paint Tool: GIMP, Photoshop, or MS Paint (i know, i know ;))
World Design: Custom editor + Terragen
Level design tool: custom editor
Physics Engine: ODE
Ogre addons: OgreOde, Theora Plugin, PLSM (possibly)
AI Lib: None yet
Networking: Raknet
Scripting tools: Lua
Other tools: ms Visual C++.NET 2003, The folks in IRC and here for tech support ;)
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Post by AssiDragon »

Application type: FPS / Arcade / Adventure
Rendering engine: Ogre
Object modeling tool: Blender (depends on the artist tho. hasnt made his mind up yet)
Drawing/painting tool: ?
World design tool: Notepad with MSPaint :twisted: , planning my own later
Level design tool: same as above
Physics engine: ODE
Ogre add-ons: OgreODE, IPLSM
AI Libraries: None - honestly said, I dont even know a good AI lib out there. Maybe FEAR, but that seems deadish.
Networking libraries: Raknet
Scripting tools: my own. lol :P
Any other tools: TinyXML (does this count?), FMOD, CEGUI, OGRE forum, forums, Quake2 sourcecode, Freespace2 sourcecode, some other sources I probably forgot by now.

Gawd, reading the other replies I can see I forgot cegui and the sound library first. o_O
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Post by IoN_PuLse »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): 3rd Person Adventure
Rendering engine: Ogre
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.):Blender
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Photoshop, Gimp
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Blender
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): Blender
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): OgreODE
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): Umm OgreODE, Meshviewer (hacked to use OpenGL renderer)
AI Libraries: Custom eventually
Networking libraries: N/A
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): None for now
Any other tools: OpenAL++
Comments: Ogre is awesome ;)
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Post by Mdobele »

Please fill in entries for the following fields, and post below. If you have multiple projects ongoing, feel free to answer the survey multiple times. Feel free to use entries such as "none" or "custom-built" as appropriate.

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Racing Game

Rendering engine: Ogre 1.0

Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): 3ds Max 6. soon to be 7

Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): PhotoShop

World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): 3Ds max 6 and In house scene editor

Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.):See Above

Physics engine (ODE, etc.): NovoDex

Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): Dot Scene

AI Libraries: Own Code

Networking libraries: RakNet

Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): Lua

Any other tools:

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Post by Goosey »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Realtime Strategy Game (like C&C Generals)

Rendering engine: OGRE + CEGUI
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): 3D Studio Max 5.1
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Pen/Paper, Photoshop
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Textpad (Custom XML definitions)
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): Textpad (Custom XML definitions)
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): none
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): OctreeSceneManager, ParticleFX, CEGUI
AI Libraries: custom-built
Networking libraries: none
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): Custom XML definitions
Any other tools: VC7.1, Visual Assist X, TortoiseCVS, Textpad, Scanner
Comments: OGRE makes it all possible. Oh and Sound Library: OpenAL. Plays very nice with OGRE.
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Post by Jezze »

I am scared of the widespread use of MS Paint... :)
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Post by walaber »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Car Stunt game
Rendering engine: Ogre + CEGUI
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Blender + Gile[s]
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Photoshop + Wacom tablet
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): n/a
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): n/a
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): Newton Game Dynamics
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): my Giles Exporter
AI Libraries: n/a
Networking libraries: n/a
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): n/a
Any other tools: TinyXML for custom file format loading/saving, including Rigid Body Design tool, vehicle format.
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Post by haffax »

Jezze wrote:I am scared of the widespread use of MS Paint... :)
Yeah. Take at least Paint.Net it is free, much more powerful than Paint (as if less powerful was any possible ;) ) and doesn't polute your taskbar with like 1000 window entries, as Gimp does.

Application type: Single Player RPG
Rendering engine: Ogre (who would have guessed)
Object modeling tool Blender & Max
Drawing/painting tool: Paint.Net, Gimp
Level design tool: Blender, Worldcraft
Physics engine: ODE
Ogre add-ons: OgreOde, CeGui (probably dotscene too)
AI Libraries: None yet
Networking libraries: N/A
Scripting tools: SWIG/ruby now / (boost.python evaluating)
Any other tools: OpenAL, boost::threads
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Re: Survey for Wiki

Post by psyclonist »

It's a demo project for our little engine project:

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Top-down multiplayer shooter :)

Rendering engine: OGRE + CEGUI + Win32

Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): 3dsmax, Maxa... -> whatever contract modellers use

World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): custom + 3dsmax with Octopus

Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): custom + 3dsmax with Octopus

Physics engine (ODE, etc.): ODE and Novodex in a client/server environment

Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): dotScene

Networking libraries: custom (rpc, events, replication ) on top of opentnl / enet

Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): Lua with access to yake::reflection

Persistence libraries: custom on top of boost::serialization

C++ reflection libraries: custom (yake::reflection)


Any other tools: VC7.1, VisualAssist, TortoiseCVS, TinyXML, ZThreads, sqlite ...

Comments: I don't have enough time for OGRE :/

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Post by Chris Jones »

u should add Input system to the questionaire, ive been having trouble with input etc and would be good to see whats best to use
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Post by Kencho »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Adventure game - Survival horror genre
Rendering engine: Guess which? ;)
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Blender
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): PaintShop Pro + GIMP + OpenCanvas + Painter + tablet (wow)
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Custom one (when I start actually implementing the game)
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): Same as before
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): Planning on use ODE
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): None at this moment
Sound Libraries: Surely FMOD
AI Libraries: Custom AI
Networking libraries: n/a
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): None
Any other tools: VisualUML (analysis and design), VisualStudio .NET 2003 + VIM + GCC (programming)

This might change over the time, but this is what I plan to use :) Hope this helps others
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Re: Survey for Wiki

Post by KingLeonid »

  1. Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Third Person Shooter
  2. Rendering engine: OGRE + BSPSceneManager
  3. Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): 3DS Max 7
  4. Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Photoshop CS
  5. World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): none
  6. Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): QuArK 6.4
  7. Physics engine (ODE, etc.): OPAL (ODE inside)
  8. Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): none for now
  9. AI Libraries: plan to do my own (custom build)
  10. Networking libraries: none
  11. Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): plan to use LUA +LUA Bind
  12. Any other tools: Win: MsVC7.1 + InnoSetup, Linux: GCC 3.4 + RPM
  13. Comments: So many things to learn :roll:
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Re: Survey for Wiki

Post by Phantom »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Ragdoll game ala' the dismounts by tAAt
Rendering engine: Ogre
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Blender
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Photoshop
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Blender
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): Blender
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): ode
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): CEGUI
AI Libraries: none
Networking libraries: none yet
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): not yet
Any other tools: OpenAL, tinyxml
Comments: Nope
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Post by Kai-Peter »

Application type: Space Station Simulator
Rendering engine: OGRE/AntiGrain
Object modeling tool: SoftImage XSI
Drawing/painting tool: PhotoShop CS
Physics engine (and simulation engine): Custom DES
Ogre add-ons: Cg/Particles
AI Libraries: Custom
Networking libraries: RakNet
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): Lua/LuaPlus
Any other tools: fmod, SQLite3, Subversion (dev and selfpatch), SoundForge
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Post by romulo »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Bomberman Clone
Rendering engine: OGRE+CEGUI+GTK
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Lightwave
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): The Gimp
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Custom
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): Custom
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): Bounding boxes on ogre(AABB)
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): None
Sound Libraries: None yet, probably FMOD
AI Libraries: None yet, probably custom later
Networking libraries: Custom build by me =P
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): None
Any other tools: Anjuta + GCC + Bluefish(for xml's)
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Post by Timme »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): Just wanting to join a team
Rendering engine: OGRE+CEGUI
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Blender
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): The Gimp
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Terragen , FreeWorld3D
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): N/A
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): N/A
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): N/A
Sound Libraries: Audiere
AI Libraries: N/A
Networking libraries: HawkNL
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): N/A
Any other tools:VC6, will buy VC 2005 .Net

Does anybody know the release date of Visual Studio 2005 Express??
I think the Visual Studio 2005 Express will cost about 50€ (50$)....
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Post by int »

Application type: MMOG
Rendering engine: Ogre
Object modeling tool: Wings3D, Milkshape3D, other, custom
Drawing/painting tool: The Gimp, custom
World design tool: custom
Level design tool: custom
Physics engine: custom
Ogre add-ons: CEGUI
AI Libraries: custom
Networking libraries: enet, custom
Scripting tools: java on server, lua on client
Any other tools: xemacs, gcc, jdk, mysql, openal
Comments: where did all the other mmog coders go?
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Post by joshcryer »

Application type (FPS, Space Sim, etc.): MMORPG
Rendering engine: Ogre 1.0.1 (or HEAD, always latest code)
Object modeling tool (Milkshape, Blender, Maya, etc.): Blender
Drawing/painting tool (Photoshop, Gimp, etc.): Pixia
World design tool (Terragen, Ogre ALE, etc.): Blender + Python scripting
Level design tool (QuArK, GtkRadiant, etc.): Blender + Python scripting
Physics engine (ODE, etc.): ODE
Ogre add-ons (dot-scene, OgreODE, etc.): OgreOde. Potentially DotScene
AI Libraries: None yet. Probably custom Lua scripts, potential enemies do not require significant intelligence.
Networking libraries: HawkNL
Scripting tools (LUA, Python, etc.): Lua (LuaPlus)
Any other tools: Blender Exporter, XMLConverter, Python, Code::Blocks + MinGW (GCC) 3.4, PTrack + 2 DV cameras, iced tea; lots of it.
Comments: My approach is to keep it simple. An emphasis on modelling and animating vs texturing (since I believe texturing is moderately more difficult), this is why my game is going to be cel shaded.