Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

A place to show off your latest screenshots and for people to comment on them. Only start a new thread here if you have some nice images to show off!
chaos creator
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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by chaos creator »

I made a postprocess contour / outline shader :)
It works by comparing depths and drawing lines when there are discontinuities - which is normally at edges.
The line colour, thickness and detection thresholds are freely adjustable.


Unfortunately, right now it doesn't work with FSAA + OpenGL.

If anyone is interested, here is the code:


Code: Select all

Texture2D<float> depthTexture	: register(t0);
Texture2D RT					: register(t1);
SamplerState samplerState		: register(s0);

struct PS_INPUT
	float2 uv0			: TEXCOORD0;
	float3 cameraDir	: TEXCOORD1;

uniform float2 projectionParams;

float linearDepth(float2 uv)
	float fDepth = depthTexture.Sample(samplerState, uv).x;
    return projectionParams.y / (fDepth - projectionParams.x);

float gain(float x, float k) 
    // copied from http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/functions/functions.htm
    float a = 0.5*pow(2.0*((x<0.5)?x:1.0-x), k);
    return (x<0.5)?a:1.0-a;

float4 main(PS_INPUT inPs) : SV_Target
    //size of the lines
    float size = 0.0015;
    //colour of the lines
    float3 LineColour = float3(1.0, 0.2, 0.0);
    //steepness of the gain
    float k = 4;
    //higher values mean more lines / less depth deviation necessary for lines to be drawn
    float sensitivity = 50000;

    float3 Colour = RT.Sample(samplerState, inPs.uv0 ).rgb;
    float centerDepth = linearDepth(inPs.uv0);

    float topDepth    = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + float2( 0, -1) * size );
    float bottomDepth = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + float2( 0,  1) * size );
    float leftDepth   = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + float2(-1,  0) * size );
    float rightDepth  = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + float2(+1,  0) * size );

    //difference between interpolated and measured depth
    //- represents how "flat" the surface is
    float yDeviation = centerDepth - (topDepth + bottomDepth) / 2.0;
    float xDeviation = centerDepth - (leftDepth + rightDepth) / 2.0;

    float Deviation = abs(xDeviation) + abs(yDeviation);
    float Sketch = clamp(Deviation * sensitivity, 0.0, 1.0);
    Sketch = gain(Sketch, k);

    return float4(lerp(Colour, LineColour, Sketch), 1.0);

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#version 330

uniform sampler2D depthTexture;
uniform sampler2D RT;

out vec4 fragColour;

in block
	vec2 uv0;
} inPs;

uniform vec2 projectionParams;

float linearDepth(vec2 uv)
    float fDepth = texture(depthTexture, uv).x;
    return projectionParams.y / (fDepth - projectionParams.x);

float gain(float x, float k) 
    // copied from http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/functions/functions.htm
    float a = 0.5*pow(2.0*((x<0.5)?x:1.0-x), k);
    return (x<0.5)?a:1.0-a;

void main()
    //size of the lines
    float size = 0.0015;
    //colour of the lines
    vec3 LineColour = vec3(1.0, 0.2, 0.0);
    //steepness of the gain
    float k = 4;
    //higher values mean more lines / less depth deviation necessary for lines to be drawn
    float sensitivity = 50000;

    vec3 Colour = texture(RT, inPs.uv0).rgb;
    float centerDepth = linearDepth(inPs.uv0);

    float topDepth    = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + vec2( 0, -1) * size );
    float bottomDepth = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + vec2( 0,  1) * size );
    float leftDepth   = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + vec2(-1,  0) * size );
    float rightDepth  = linearDepth( inPs.uv0 + vec2(+1,  0) * size );

    //difference between interpolated and measured depth
    //- represents how "flat" the surface is
    float yDeviation = centerDepth - (topDepth + bottomDepth) / 2.0;
    float xDeviation = centerDepth - (leftDepth + rightDepth) / 2.0;

    float Deviation = abs(xDeviation) + abs(yDeviation);
    float Sketch = clamp(Deviation * sensitivity, 0.0, 1.0);
    Sketch = gain(Sketch, k);

    fragColour = vec4(mix(Colour, LineColour, Sketch), 1.0);

Code: Select all

fragment_program Sketch_ps_HLSL hlsl
	source Sketch_ps.hlsl
	target ps_5_0 ps_4_0 ps_4_0_level_9_1 ps_4_0_level_9_3
	entry_point main

fragment_program Sketch_ps_GLSL glsl
	source Sketch_ps.glsl
		param_named depthTexture int 0
		param_named RT int 1

fragment_program Sketch_ps unified
	delegate Sketch_ps_GLSL
	delegate Sketch_ps_HLSL

material Postprocess/Sketch
			depth_check off
			depth_write off

			cull_hardware none

			vertex_program_ref Ogre/Compositor/Quad_vs

			fragment_program_ref Sketch_ps

			texture_unit depthTexture
				tex_address_mode clamp
				filtering none

			texture_unit RT
				tex_address_mode clamp
				filtering none
Compostior script

Code: Select all

compositor_node Sketch
	in 0 rt_input
	in 1 rt_output

	custom_id Ogre/Postprocess

	//The depthTexture will be a "view" to rt0's depth because it has the exact same parameters
	//(PF_D32_FLOAT, pool ID = 2; rt0 was asked to use a depth_texture)
	//Note that other RTTs may share the same depth buffer if they have the same parameters as well due
	//to depth buffer sharing (depth_pool 65534 is a special pool where sharing is disabled so each RTT gets
	//its own depth buffer/texture; depth textures are by default placed there so we need to explicitly set
	//it to 2).
	texture depthTexture target_width target_height PF_D32_FLOAT depth_pool 2
	//This depthTexture will be a copy of the original. We can read from 'depthTexture' directly, however
	//on a lot of HW reading from the depth texture means it needs to be decompressed. If you later
	//need to keep rendering using the same depth buffer (something very common in most use cases
	//for this technique) you will pay the performance price for using a decompressed buffer.
	//See section ' Depth Textures' of the manual for an explanation.
	texture depthTextureCopy target_width target_height PF_D32_FLOAT

	target rt_output
		pass depth_copy
			//When alias_on_copy_failure is on, if the copy fails (i.e. hardware doesn't support it)
			//then 'depthTextureCopy' will internally point to the same buffer as depthTexture.
			//For a lot of cases this is harmless and a nice fallback.
			alias_on_copy_failure	on
			in		depthTexture
			out		depthTextureCopy

		// Draw a fullscreen quad with the black and white image
		pass render_quad
			// Renders a fullscreen quad with a material
			material Postprocess/Sketch
			input 0 depthTextureCopy
			input 1 rt_input

	out 0 rt_output
	out 1 rt_input

//The texture that the scene gets rendered to has to have the same depth format
texture renderTarget target_width target_height PF_R8G8B8 depth_texture depth_format PF_D32_FLOAT depth_pool 2
The script needs following data to linearise the depth:

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        Ogre::MaterialPtr material = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().load(
                    AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME ).staticCast<Ogre::Material>();

        Ogre::Pass *pass = material->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0);
        Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr psParams = pass->getFragmentProgramParameters();

        Ogre::Camera *camera = mGraphicsSystem->getCamera();
        Ogre::Real projectionA = camera->getFarClipDistance() /
                                    (camera->getFarClipDistance() - camera->getNearClipDistance());
        Ogre::Real projectionB = (-camera->getFarClipDistance() * camera->getNearClipDistance()) /
                                    (camera->getFarClipDistance() - camera->getNearClipDistance());
        //The division will keep "linearDepth" in the shader in the [0; 1] range.
        projectionB /= camera->getFarClipDistance();
        psParams->setNamedConstant( "projectionParams", Ogre::Vector4( projectionA, projectionB, 0, 0 ) );
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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by Kojack »

No WIP posts for a year? :(

Just a few hours ago I got this going:


Loading level 1 from System Shock 1 in Ogre 2.2.

The map data is compressed in a confusing way with 14 bit words, 16 bit dictionaries of offsets and lengths and other stuff. The third party SS1Edit tool came with docs and lua source, but the docs are confusing for the compression and I got heap corruption when I tried to port the lua to C++, so I gave up and just ran a tool to decompress the map's data file. Loading a decompressed map is MUCH easier.

Although then we get into the map data, where the docs were wrong again (saying each tile was 20 bytes when they are 16). Argh.
I got that working though.

Each map is a 64x64 grid. Each tile of the grid has a floor height, ceiling height, slope amount and shape. There are 18 shapes (solid, empty, diagonals, valleys, ridges, ramps).
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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by Slicky »

Interesting. What did you do for material conversion?
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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by Kojack »

Slicky wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:47 am Interesting. What did you do for material conversion?
I just put a pallas cat on every wall. I haven't looked at materials yet. :)
(The top half of the pic is the real game, the bottom half is my one of the same area)
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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by lingfors »


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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by lingfors »




New since last pictures:

Fixed some bugs in atmospheric scattering lookup texture generation, which got rid of some ugly stripe artifacts that can be visible in the previous pictures
Approximation of ozone contribution (previous pictures only had rayleigh + mie scattering)
Multiple scattering (last post only had single scattering).
Ambient terrain lighting (approximated by checking the inscattered light straight up and multiplying by 2pi (half unit sphere area))
Tonemapping as a post process (previous pictures did tonemapping directly in terrain and atmosphere shaders)
Bloom (made possible by making tonemapping a post-process effect)
Last edited by lingfors on Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by sercero »

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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by lingfors »

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Re: Ogre WIP and random screenshot thread (for everyone!)

Post by sercero »

Wow, the second video is really impressive.