New material on scene managers in Wiki

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New material on scene managers in Wiki

Post by Baldrake »

I put up a first version of the Scene managers guide on the wiki. As usual, I knew something about some scene managers and almost nothing about others, so please consider this an invitation to fill in the gaps.

I also put up a more detailed writeup of the Terrain Scene Manager. The descriptions of some of the more advanced options are a little terse (and are in fact direct copies of Sinbad's documentation), so again, feel free to edit and extend.
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Post by Goosey »

Excellent initial start. I would flesh it out, but I know a little less on the topic then you apparently. But I did learn some things, so good work :)
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Post by LordMyth »

I think one of the cons of the BSP scene manager is that it is very costly to make a bit of outdoorscene with it... but I could be wrong.
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Post by Mdobele »

Hmm. On my last project Scootarama I used the ST_GENERIC scene manager. And 99% of my world was static geometry. By that i mean simple mesh pieces that just sat there and did nothing( The World ) Loaded via a .scene method. We decided to use that scene manager as it gave us default acess to OGRE's octree. Mayby we need a clearer explanation of the scene managers. You state that the ST_GENERIC manager would be only good for a simply space game yet I would have to completely disagree there. Also it kinda is the only choice I have as all of the others lean towards either BSP or support for HeightMaped terrain.

So basically great work on the wiki and hopefully we can expand this out a bit to be more informative. Could somebody with the knowledge please give us a little more detailed explanation on the scene managers as well as examples of there use.

Keep up the good work on the WIKI!

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Post by sinbad »

Yes, the comments on ST_GENERIC are inaccurate, I've corrected them along with a few other things. Thanks for the contribution though, and iterative refinement is what a wiki is about :)
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Post by Baldrake »

Thanks guys. Indeed, iterative refinement seems to get good results quickly. I may not know the details, but at least I possess the newbies perspective of what's hard to get your head around at first. Hopefully I will lose this "advantage" within the coming weeks. :wink:

Sinbad, a couple of clarifications to your mods:
Sinbad wrote:Vertex program based morphing between LOD levels
To clarify, does this morphing mean stitching up the seams between different levels of detail? If it means something else, can you explain?
Sinbad wrote:No splatting out of the box, but can be done with a custom material
This would require writing a vertex shader, right? Or is there a simpler way?

Thanks for the updates...
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Post by tuan kuranes »

Morph between current LOD vertex postion position and interpolated position of the vertices in the nex LOD (reduce "pop" Lod effects)

Splatting can be done using multipass or multitexturing (see ogre wiki lexicon or in ograddons plsm2 for some sample)