My goal with Ogre Toolbox is to create an editor for the dot scene format and maybe integrate some physics.
Current features:
* Create, Open, Save a scene
* Add and delete nodes
* Rotate, move, scale nodes manually and with controls
* Create and attach entities to a node
* Create and attach lights to a node
* Detach objects from a node
* Edit properties of lights and entities (basic)
* Command line (Open with in Windows)

Binary: Download zip
Source: Download source zip
* Controls: r for rotate, m for move and s for scale
* Movement: drag left mousebutton for x and y axes drag with both mousebuttons for the z axis
* You can attach/detach by doubleclicking on a node in the tree.
* To add/delete a node right click on a item in the tree.
* You have to copy all the directories from ogrenew/samples/Media to the Media directory in the zip. I excluded it to save you guys some bandwidth.
I've posted it to get some feedback on the design.
Thanks for looking at it.
Mr. Turner