a Compiler choice... for an artist...

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a Compiler choice... for an artist...

Post by alelink »

Hi to all,
I'm confused :? ...
I would build a little demo with some my graphics
using some shader.
So, because I'm not a great programmer,
and I don't want to buy tools from Microsoft,
and I can't use Linux for a diffusion reason,
what's the compiler choice for Win32 platform?

I don't have understanding well, the 1.0 release of Ogre
will be precompiled?
for DevC++ too?
My project will be a little program, so can use Devc++?

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Post by :wumpus: »

Please just buy the Microsoft tools, MS Visual C++ 7.1 standard edition is only $90; DevC++ and MinGW are free but all geared at experienced programmers with some unix/linux knowledge. It's non-trivial to use Ogre in them.