fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Minor issues with the Ogre API that can be trivial to fix
Orc Shaman
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fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Post by frostbyte »

ogre resouce loading is so - how to say it nicely sssssllllllllloooooowwwwww
i see it as a fundamental problem...speed counts...
a realy realy great soultion, as i became recently aware of exists -
since i've been using it( about 8 month now ) i'm a happier person and better human being :roll:
why not add this to the source and make it part of ogre??? - so every body can enjoy....and make ogre snappy at core...
Last edited by frostbyte on Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Post by Zonder »

As it would change the fundamental way ogre loads resources. But I don't see why this can't change in version 2 and you opt out of caching os a resource. I can't remember if this was in the new resource system design or not though and I don't have time to go through that thread at the moment.
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Re: fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Post by frostbyte »

no problem friend...take your worries...
as i see things ogre 1.9, 1.10 will probably live on a few more years( side by side with 2.0 ), so i figured it will be nice to add this plugin( without forcing you to use it ) so at least this way, people wouldn't be so bothered with the slow resource loading - knowing there is a simple solution...
after all i believe that most people are not aware that a remedy is availble since( like me ) they asume that thats how the dice roll...thinking "hey, if this could be any better then for sure the clever guys that write this amazing software would have already take care of it..."
SampleBrowser can also enjoy it( from 8sec to 1.5sec on my old lappy ) is the front face of ogre and will make ogre look more appealing...
As it would change the fundamental way ogre loads resources
now you made me curious....
thanks 4b...
Last edited by frostbyte on Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Post by shadowfeign »

It should also be noted that deleting default scripts before your final release will also be a huge boost in speed. Even when using the cache you should probably only include game specific ones.
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Re: fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Post by frostbyte »

i think i wouldn't be wrong to asume most new ogre users( up to 1 year ) will use the default scripts( i'm still using it after 3 years... ) for exploring, learning testing developing caching default scripts can save lots of human seconds... :)
i also asume that by time folks get to their final release they would already know that( not using default scripts _) and probably be aware of the script cache plugin existance...
my suggestion is aimed more torward newBees and potential users( help them make the right decision to use ogre... :D )
it wouldn't hurt though to have a wiki page( maybe one exist? ) titled : "workflow and release of ogre based products tips".
Last edited by frostbyte on Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Post by c6burns »

I am generally against pulling plugins into the core of any software project unless there is a seriously compelling reason. There's just soooo many projects I've seen bloat themselves and get into trouble this way. OgreMain is already a beast of a lib, too.

Also I doubt many people's applications end up like the sample browser, which loads all resource groups and parses all scripts up front. I prefer the Ogre team to worry about core Ogre problems, which are directly related to rendering and scene management.
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Re: fixing slow resource( material ) loading problem

Post by frostbyte »

I am generally against pulling plugins into the core of any software project unless there is a seriously compelling reason
me too...i generaly agree to this notation...
however i feel this is a compelling reason( its very subjective )
i can see the reason of putting so much effort in fixing performance issues for scene-rendering but i dont see a reason for neglecting resource loading performance...
OgreMain is already a beast of a lib
sorry my bad - i didn't mean changing or touching any source code( i would be crazy to suggest that... :oops: )
what i meant is to add the plugin to ogre's repository as a build-in plugins and to the cmake script + add it to ogreApi docs + enable it by default for SampleBrowser( ogre facelift )
I prefer the Ogre team to worry about core Ogre problems, which are directly related to rendering and scene management.
me too...i generaly agree to this notation...
how ever the code already exist and have been tested hundreds of time( never had a problem... ) so it should'nt take much effort( push merge button and perhaps some cmake magic ) and will yield a huge performance boost on this part of ogre.
waiting for resource to load is so much 1998 - it can be a real turn-off either in tech evaluation( irrlicht vs ogre etc... ), and a huge pain in the development process ( unless you're aware of this plugin, which mostly you don't... )
Also I doubt many people's applications end up like the sample browser
me too...i generaly agree to this notation...
however...some project do...
and any way its a long long long long way to the finish line( the part where application end up )
dont know the situation on mobile - but i can only assume it is even worse...

so i still protect my stand on this issue...however i must say that i generaly agree with you :D
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