ogre3d and c++ developper help

A place for employers, project leaders etc to post if they are looking for people to assist with an Ogre-based project. Please only post in this area if you have a _serious_ project proposition for which you already have something to show for.
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ogre3d and c++ developper help

Post by johan07 »

i am working in project with ogre3d and c++
it's not bog projet (maybe) , in fact i implement the most of the projetc but as i have not time i need somone who can hel me on it
it's about animation using inverse kinematic. as i said i implement principle but there is some bugs in the program that need to be corecting and need to implemnt another method there is the priniple) all what i need i programming not idea
thanks to contact me if ou are intersted bu the offert