Ogre 1.0.0 Final release bug [NOT A BUG]

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Ogre 1.0.0 Final release bug [NOT A BUG]

Post by r4 »

Hi everybody!

I been working during the last two weeks with the RC1 version of the engine. Yestarday I port my code to the final 1.0.0 release and my code didn't work properly. This code paint each triangle of the scene of one diferent color.

I take some samples from the wikki Ogre page and them didn't work too.

The examples I tried are:

* GeneratingAMesh

* ManualSphereMeshes

That is strange because they don't work in a good way in the new version but in 0.15 and RC1 version of Ogre the work good.

Has somebody been having the same problems???
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Post by r4 »

I forgot to say that the problem with these two samples is that the meshes haven't any colour being applied to each triangle.
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Post by DWORD »

Maybe I'm not properly awake, but I don't understand exactly what the problem is. Can you please be more specific about how it is not working. Check the log, and maybe provide a screenshot. Are you saying that you could use vertexcolours in 1.0.0 rc1 but not in 1.0.0 final? That sounds strange. :?
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Post by :wumpus: »

Code: Select all

Material attributes can now track vertex colours by speficying a combination of 'diffuse vertexcolour', 'specular vertexcolour', 'emissive vertexcolour' and 'ambient vertexcolour'
Do you use one of these in your material script?
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Post by r4 »

Thanks for your interest but it was all my fault. I forgot to copy the material I have been using with the RC1 version of the engine.

Here I put a scrren in wich I have painted each triangle of a mesh of one diferent colour. The mesh are two cubes created manually (the example posted in ogre wiki).


Right now I load a mesh automatically (the ogre head mesh for example) creating an entity and then I extract the geometry information (vertices and indices - faces) to modify this information to allow me to paint each poligon of one diferent colour. The problem I have is I can't visualize anything but I'm doing the same as I was doing with the vertices of the cube.
The problem isn't in the painting algorithm because if I avoid it I can't visualize anything too.

Tha's strange because if was able to visualize the two cubes created manually (I wrote the vertices and indices) and I'm not able to do the same with the information I extract from a mesh loaded in a automatic way.

The geometry information I extract is correct because I have created a plane with milkshape and exported to ogre file format and then I have laoded it and the vertice and indice information is ok, but I can't see anything.

Some ideas?

thanks for your time :D
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Post by Kencho »

Does the OgreHead model have information to store vertices' coulour? Or it does just have Position, Normals, and Texture mapping? Also, think that it's composed of several submeshes, not just one ;)

Just some suggestions. I don't know if you've checked this already ;)
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Post by r4 »

Thanks kencho for your suggestions :D

The ogre head mesh have position, normal and texture coordinate information but I only extract the information about vertices and indices (faces). My method to take geometry information from a mesh searches for submeshes too. The information I obtain from the mesh is ok because I have checked it with simple examples (a plane and a cub meshes).

I'll put my code but that's strange because if I define the vertices and indices to draw a plane manually everything works correctly, but if I have a plane as mesh loaded automatically (as entity) then I can visualize nothing (but the geometry information is ok).

Later I will put my code, because I think I will be doing something wrong.
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Post by Kencho »

For me it sounds like a VertexDeclaration problem. Post the code here; maybe someone can help you with this then :)
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Post by r4 »

Yes as you said all was a vertex declaration problem. I didn't take enough space for all the vertices :P