I got MyGUI running so far. But getting a crash in MyGUI when trying to use PbsMaterialsWorkspace for my scene, like the following (taken from examples):
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Ogre::CompositorManager2* compositorManager = Core::getSingletonPtr()->getOgreRoot()->getCompositorManager2();
const Ogre::IdString workspaceName(definitionName);
if (!compositorManager->hasWorkspaceDefinition(definitionName))
compositorManager->createBasicWorkspaceDef(definitionName, color, Ogre::IdString());
this->workspace = compositorManager->addWorkspace(this->sceneManager, Core::getSingletonPtr()->getOgreRenderWindow(), this->camera, definitionName, true);
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OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): Can't find texture with name: '2048' If it's a global texture, trying to use it in the output channel will fail. in CompositorNodeDef::getTextureSource at D:\Ogre\GameEngineDevelopment\external\Ogre2.1SDK\OgreMain\src\Compositor\OgreTextureDefinition.cpp (line 212)
I'm using the lastest commit, so has it something todo with that?If you updated your Ogre to the latest commit, which contains the new shadow system, you need to modify MyGUI, (the constructor of PassDef and PassProvider has changed a bit), but it's trivial.