[Q] What is Entity..?

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[Q] What is Entity..?

Post by ksangho77 »

There is a Hero.
His body consist of separate meshes...( head, legs, arms and so on.)
And he has sword and shield

I thought Hero is Entity..But..I Find that my thought is wrong..
Sword, shield, head, legs.....is Entity.

And if sword is made by multi-materials, it has submeshes(subentity)

So If i wanna make a hero, i make SceneNode and attach entities..

Is right?

I am so confused..

I am not good at writing in English..so i don't know well expressed my meaning...
But i can read English..
Mr. Turner
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Post by Mr. Turner »

Yes the entity stuff is right, but I think you may run into problems if you attach them all to one scenenode. You can't position an entity.

So I think you want this:

SceneNode Hero
>>> SceneNode head with entHead attached
>>> SceneNode legs with entLegs attached
>>> ...

That way you can position the legs and arms in the sceneNode Hero. Later you can use the SceneNode Hero for all other ops.

Mr. Turner
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Post by gymdis »

The way we are doing it is having one whole mesh for the characters body. This mesh also has a skeleton for animation and OGRE makes it easy to attach other entities to specific bones (see Entity::attachObjectToBone).

So for us the body is one entity, and a weapon is another entity which we attach to the "right_hand"-bone. Then we only need one scene node with the body attached.