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I like the idea of a bit of re branding for Ogre 2.x. I would almost go as far as to say we should have a new logo and some form of splash screen animation
I was thinking the same lately... current overall image (logo, website, forum, etc) feels really 2005, makes people think that ogre is dead
hopefully when 2.1 is ready it comes with a new image =), why not start working right now!
and the sinbad 3D model should get a revamp too.. new textures, materials, pbs, etc
I am very busy these days but I have the intention to contribute in these things =)
I like your logo proposal! can you post the psd/ai or whatever to see if I can make some modifications
I agree with the logo very dated and a re-brand is a good idea for v2.
I like the minimalistic idea as it also allows a user to customize the logo colour scheme. Maybe best to keep to a simple palette b/w and about 3 colours tops. But I am no designer so take my advice with a pinch of salt
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't...
The logo looks nice and modern. The biggest problem I see is adjusting the whole main website (colours, pictures, layouts...). It's a behemoth with lots of historical content nobody wants to touch (or has the time).
For my taste it's fucking perfect !
You nailed it.
I agree that the appearance of Ogre is bad, among other things that could be streamlined.
Only thing is, now we would like Ogre itself to be as lightweight and minimalistic as your new logo (Strip down, strip down, strip down !)
N0vember wrote:Only thing is, now we would like Ogre itself to be as lightweight and minimalistic as your new logo (Strip down, strip down, strip down !)
What is it with the obsession with stripping down? Ogre 2.1 had a lot of stuff stripped when compared to 1.x.
Trying to remove more causes more issues than gains in terms of maintenance (supporting all "module" combinations), performance (there's a price to pay for modularity), compatibility (missing module requirement = non-working app; specially when it comes to legacy apps).
Yes, there's still pieces that need large refactors (handling of resources, textures)
I'm a lightweight obsessed, but I'm afraid there's not much more to strip from Ogre. Would I like to make a thinner rendering library ala bgfx? Probably yes. But that library would only suit my own needs and break any kind of compatibility with existing Ogre applications; which is what happens when you strip down too much.
I like your abstraction of the ogre
Ogre 2.0 seems to be a good time for this kind of logo refresh.
However, why not try to keep some part of the old design, like colors, or at least remind it in a way ?
It's part of Ogre history afterall, and some of it should be (in my opinion) conserved, for legacy purpose.
I think the head inside the 'o' needs to be a bit larger. As it reads now, its a bit difficult to read it as part of the word. I'd say make the frame of the o with the side of the face and top of head, and let the ears and side of jaw break the frame a bit.
My opinion will probably be the minority on this, but I find both proposed logos boring, bland, and too retro-mainstream-hipster. None of which is good IMO.
I don't see what's "wrong" with the current logo. It's unique, the color schemes work and they're uncommon. Where as to be honest, both proposed logos look fairly similar to other logos I've seen. (Just can't remember the names of the companies, certainly clothing or gaming related.)
Haha. Finally someone I agree with, in this topic.
I think the same way as bronzebeard. Don't want to discourage your efforts but, for me the new logos just look too basic/simple and done in few minutes.
(Reminds me of the new Windows 8 and VS 2013 style, coz you know, what for do we have 16M colors, when we can still sell 2 color vector graphic).
I also like the old logo much more and find it very good.
BTW, shouldn't there be more focus on actually developing Ogre 2.1 if possible? And not on making a logo for something which is like halfway done. I'm being realistic (from my POV) and it's just like my opinion OFC.
I really like your logo, miki3d! I totally agree, the current logo looks very old-school. I'd hesitate to put it on a splash screen as it looks today. Your second version is great too.
It kind of reminds me of the Rust logo (the game, not the language).
I am with bronzebeard and CrystalHammer. The old one is easily recognizable and stands out. I'd hate to loose that just for trying to be "hip" instead of true to the legacy.
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