This tutorial will assume you:
1) have the basic understanding of how to use a Terminal.
2) know how to switch to ROOT user and Exit.
3) know how to create a source file target and a destination target.
Base System: Ubuntu 14.04.03 (Trusty Tahr) LTS
** The repositories contain ALL the required dependencies, all you need to do is access them **
from your Keyboard - Type: [crtl]+[alt]+t - to open a terminal
** Begin Preparation Tasks**
Execute the following commands at your terminal:
** End Preparation Tasks **username@hostname:~S sudo su
[sudo] password for [hostname]:
root@hostname:/home/username# cd /root
root@hostname:~# apt-get update
root@hostname:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
** Begin Pre-installation Tasks **
** Install Subversion **
Subversion is a version control system, that as you develop your OGRE application(s), it will automatically keep track of which files have been updated and when, as well as provide details to revert back to an earlier version if you make any blunders.
Execute the following command at your terminal:
** Install Apache Ant **root@hostname:~# apt-get install subversion
Apache Ant is a Java-based, open-source software build tool developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is similar to the "make" utility, but is mainly functional on the Java platform. Unlike make, Ant scripts are written in XML to describe the build process and its dependencies. Portability and simplicity of use are two of the main benefits of Ant.
Execute the following command at your terminal:
** Install Python **root@hostname:~# apt-get install ant ant-optional
Python is a multiparadigm, general-purpose, interpreted, high-level programming language. Python allows programmers to use different programming styles to create simple or complex programs, get quicker results and write code almost as if speaking in a human language.
Execute the following command at your terminal:
** Install Java JDK **root@hostname:~# apt-get install python-software-properties
Provided from Oracle, The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software development environment used for developing Java applications and applets. It includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), an interpreter/loader (java), a compiler (javac), an archiver (jar), a documentation generator (javadoc) and other tools needed in Java development.
Execute the following commands at your terminal and follow the prompts as required:
*(EDIT 7 Feb 2014 From Java8 to Java 9)*root@hostname:~# add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
root@hostname:~# apt-get update
root@hostname:~# apt-get install oracle-java9-installer
root@hostname:~# apt-get install oracle-java9-set-default
** Confirm the installation has completed **
** This completes the Pre-installation Procedures **root@hostname:~# java -version
** Installation Tasks **
** Install Cmake **
CMake is a cross-platform build system - or perhaps more accurately a build configurator. It is a program which, from a set of CMake scripts, creates a native build system for your platform that allows you to build Ogre. The build process is configurable via CMake. Ogre provides several options which you can use to customise your build.
Execute the following command at your terminal:
*(Note - The current version within the default repository packages is 3.2.2 added 30/06/2015)root@hostname:~# add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x
root@hostname:~# apt-get update
root@hostname:~# apt-get install cmake cmake-gui cmake-data
** Install OGRE v1.9 **
Execute the following commands at your terminal:
**Additional Dependencies**root@hostname:~# apt-get install libogre-1.9-dev
root@hostname:~# apt-get update
root@hostname:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
** FreeType **
- is written in C. It is designed as a library which takes a True Type Font as the input, removes its bytecode instructions and returns a new font where all glyphs are bytecode hinted using the information by the module. The idea is to provide hinting to assist in coding and debugging.
Execute the following commands at your terminal:
**Optional Components**root@hostname:~# apt-get install ttfautohint ttfautohintGUI
Provides an open and extensible interface for OGRE with full support in C++ as well as additional resources for XML, Python and Java.
Execute the following commands at your terminal:
<< OR >>root@hostname:~# apt-get install mygui-doc
root@hostname:~# apt-get install libmyguiengine3
root@hostname:~# apt-get install libmyguiengine3-dbg
root@hostname:~# apt-get install libmygui.openglplatform0debian0
root@hostname:~# apt-get install libmygui.ogreplatform0debian0
root@hostname:~# apt-get install libmygui.openglplatform0debian0
root@hostname:~# apt-get install libmygui.ogreplatform0debian0-dbg
root@hostname:~# apt-get install libmygui-dev
root@hostname:~# apt-get update
root@hostname:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
[**Please don't install both, I did and made a complete mess, that required a complete O/S re-installation. Just don't do it!**]
** Eclipse **
Provides an open and extensible platform for building additional toolsets and also seamlessly integrate OGRE's avaiable tools into one GUI.
Execute the following commands at your terminal:
** You are now ready to begin building your OGRE application(s) using Cmake. **root@hostname:~# apt-get install eclipse
root@hostname:~# apt-get update
root@hostname:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
** Close your Terminal, you are done. **
Execute the following commands at your terminal:
** Restart Your Computer **root@hostname:~# exit
username@hostname:~S [ctrl] + [alt] + s
From your keyboard, type [ctrl]+[alt]+[del] to reboot your system.
** When your system finishes Rebooting, You now have all the tools at your disposal to create pretty much anything and everything OGRE is capable of building on a Linux Platform. Simply start Cmake and get busy! **