mesh.xml to ASE converter

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mesh.xml to ASE converter

Post by mac »

I have written a simple Perl program that converts the mesh.xml format from Ogre to 3ds ASCII format (ASE). It is very limited and cannot handle all types of meshes. Here an example where I used Gile[s] (which can import ASE) to add a static lightmap to the well known ogrehead. Then I exported it with the ogre exporter from walaber and made a screenshot using the meshviewer:


I couldn't resist do do a little paintwork on the lightmap layer (with gile[s] you can do that). Note that it is strawberry jam in this case... although ogres are known to eat human flesh... ;)

Probably this is not very useful for most people, cause they use other formats... But it would be possible to write a dotscene to ase converter - which would be interesting for more people...

If anybody is interested in the Perl code, I am willing to share it...

Cheers, mac

[Edit]ogre exporter for gile[s]...[/Edit]
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Post by sinbad »

If it's a perl script, you could post it on the wiki - then people could enhance it if they wanted.
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Post by mac »

I guess the code is a bit too long for the wiki and it consists of 3 different files...

Anyway, here is the link:

Everybody is invited to improve this... but I think it makes more sense to rewrite it in c++. Then you could use the routines provided by Ogre to load the mesh. At least it can serve as a good start.

Enjoy, mac