Ogre project - help

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Ogre project - help

Post by joi »

Well, here is a quick insight of the project first:

Its going to be a comercial real time virtual application, to show off before-constructed buildings, rooms, and anything architecture related for presentations.

On the 3d part we will be using high poly models and some very high textures, what we want acheive is a high quality art work.

The programming side will get something like: use extensive of shaders, mouse and keyboard input for camera movement (walking), a GUI set, some sprites (billboards?), and thats all... no physics, ai, special effects, sound, etc...

The hardware part, is going to be a 2 processor machine (i dont know yet, but could be 3+ GHz) with 2g of memory and a 256mb video board (400/1100), so the hardware will be a high profile machine. (probably a quadro or nvidia related)

What we need to know is if ogre will handle good a very high poly count, and some big textures (~1k) with that machine spec. Can you tell me how much triangles he can handle ? Or a minimun - maximun of where he can go ? Can he handle as much as like, hmmm, half life 2? or some lower engine for a fps game?

Also, can you give me some pointers if i missed here. Like, what more i can spec for you guys about the project that can make you better understand it and give me some tips and ideas. :wink:

All help is appreciated, since im just starting out, and the project start is getting a lot near. :)

(sorry about the english)

[edit]I should have posted this on "Using OGRE in practice" - moved by monster[/edit]
maya 7.0, vs 2005, ogre 1.2
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Post by monster »

What we need to know is if ogre will handle good a very high poly count, and some big textures (~1k) with that machine spec. Can you tell me how much triangles he can handle ? Or a minimun - maximun of where he can go ? Can he handle as much as like, hmmm, half life 2? or some lower engine for a fps game?

It's not a case of what Ogre can handle, it's a case of what your hardware can handle. He will endeavour to get the maximum performance out of the hardware you've got, so yes, similar quality visuals as Half Life 2 shouldn't be a problem for Ogre. As long as you have a machine that's capable of running Half Life 2 and can provide similar quality art, models and shaders.
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Post by :wumpus: »

halflife2 doesn't use highpoly models as far as I know, but normal/displacement mapped lowpolys. (which ogre can handle as well)