I've build the ogre with: http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-ind ... on=Android. A get the apk file from the build and it was successfully running on android.
I'm following the tutorial and successfully building tutorial project on my ubuntu.
Now I want to build it(project) for android, but I don't know how cat I do this.
I've tried to make project on Android studio, added project sources as jni sources, added ogre build libs as jnilibs, get android.mk file and application.mk file from the ogre build folder.
But for now build is not successful: At start, android doesn't know where ogre headers is. As fast work around I've added full path to include files. For now error in OgreStdHeaders.h - it want to include vector, map and ect, but android studio doesn't know what is it.
I tried ndk r10b and r12b, I tried
Code: Select all
APP_STL := gnustl_static
So, the question is "how can I build my app for android?".
The ideal variant is: build project to .so or .o file without android studio, and create .cpp jni file to call ogre project functions from android project.
I know how to make jni layer, but i don't know how to build ogre project to android compatible lib.