2d/3d mix suggestions?

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Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:33 am

2d/3d mix suggestions?

Post by Zeb »

I hate to ask a question on my first post, but here I go.

Me and a small team are creating a game based on the Ogre engine. We really plan on making a couple. The difference is, we're attempting to use 2d sprites on a 3d background. The methods we've found to do this so far havn't shown much promise, and so I was wondering if any of you had some recomendations.

The graphics we want to use are going to look something like this, with this level of detail:


The images will need to be animated for movement, and will also need to "rotate" to be seen from different angles. 8 different angles in fact. The closest example to what we are doing is Xenogears. Ragnarok online is also a fairly good example. Only we want to avoid the pixelated or blury look.

We're really trying to create something unique here, and we know of the limitations and hurdles that can present to a project like this.

Thank you in advance for your advice/suggestions,

-Zeb Spade
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