Creating Ogre projects from a template

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Creating Ogre projects from a template

Post by Istari »

I have created a simple script, that will create project files that have a structure similar to the sample project files.

This could simplify things for beginners (like me), when we are following the application setup tutorial from the wiki.

The included WindowVCPROJ.txt contains a project template for VS .NET 2003
but I think it should work just as well with the 2002 version if you make the following change.

Version="7.10" -- becomes -- > Version="7.00"

For additional info see the readme.
I would love to get any feedback. :)
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Post by litobyte »

Well I personally like the idea.

It should be kept the more parametric as possible, as the continue changes/updates to the engine could put the tool obsolete very soon.

I'd rather like a complete DevC++ / .Net - SharpDevelop / MSVC+ project generator, but which can setup not only the rendering engine, but also some minimal library and code facilities like:

- minimal Windows MESSAGES input
- minimal directSound or fMOD support

At this point a developer choose the physic system and the network system if needed, and the game is done.

A "wizard" that generates a complete "ready-to-compile" project with basic ready source code.

That would defintely help out.
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Post by Goosey »

Throw this up on the wiki man!
I <3 the OGRE Wiki, and SO SHOULD YOU! :)