Terrain color changing with high - possible ?

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Terrain color changing with high - possible ?

Post by madtulip »

in 3ds max ive seen a nice approach to set colors to a highmap. they changed colors based on the high of the terrain. i.e. yellow sand at the bottom, followed by brown earth, light green gras, dark green wood,grey stone and white snow on the top. all this with a texture and some noise and it looked realy nice. is there a way to use this in ogre ? i.e. in the smoke demo we see the color of the smoke change over time based on a small color template.

if possible in ogre directly i would prefer not to import the whole scene from 3dsmax.
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Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:35 pm

Post by madtulip »

i just found a screenshot from Antilia that comes close to what im triing to describe.

http://www.ogre3d.org/index.php?set_alb ... _photo.php
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Post by neocryptek »

Check the PLSM2 addon, it is an advanced terrain plugin that can do splatting based on height/slope/etc.

Or of course you could always precompute this and generate a texture to use with PLSM2 or the regular terrain plugin.

See the PLSM2 wiki page on it for more info, aswell as the forum threads linked within.
