Has ogre provided some facility for developing a online game

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Has ogre provided some facility for developing a online game

Post by cstnt »

I'm a beginner. I serach the API document found that there maybe no network api? am I right?
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Post by Robomaniac »

Ogre is only a graphics rendering engine. It will only handle displaying (very sexy) graphics onscreen. To make a complete game, you have to use some external libraries for things like physics and networking. Check out this wiki page for some examples of libraries to use.
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Post by haffax »

You're right. Ogre (Object-oriented graphics engine) is, as the name subtly hints, a graphics engine. ;)
To make a game, you'll probably need a sound library too. For online games, a network library and depending on the complexity (let me guess, MMORPG ;) ) some other libs too, if you don't want to code everything yourself.
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Post by cstnt »

I'm just too fool to forget that OGRE is the short for "Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine".