Viewports and GUI System

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Viewports and GUI System

Post by dryas »


I have a small question about Viewports and the GUI System used in Ogre. I want to make a game and 70% of the game are played via the GUI. Only 30% are played in real 3D... it's a little bit like "1944 - Across the Rhine":


Now my Questions: Is it a good idea to use Ogre for the GUI too? Is it better to use SDL for the GUI and Ogre only for the 3D views? How can I "bind" the viewports to a GUI-Window of Ogre (like shown on the screenshot above), so that I can move the window with the 3D Viewport in it?

Thanks for help! :)

Mr. Turner
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Post by Mr. Turner »

Have you looked at CEGUI? It has render to texture. So you just have a texture (that you can move) with the ogre window rendered on it

Heavy GUI usage in Ogre itself isn't advised as only the basic stuff (panel, text) is left in Ogre 1.0. They advise you to use CEGui instead.

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Post by :wumpus: »

Indeed, CEGUI is very useful for a project like this
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Post by zander76 »


It would be very nice to have a rendering context with CE. I haven't looked at the source yet for CE and I am still getting an idea of how the layout files work so I could be completely off. Basially it is the render to texture thing that you guys are talking about except its an actually widget that can be created and sized. Is there anything like that planed for CE.

I am posting the question here instead of on CE because it would actually have more todo with the renderer then the gui system itself.

Thansk, Ben
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Post by dryas »


as far as I know I can't compile CEGUI under DevC++... :-(

Does someone know another great GUI that I can use with Ogre? Or does CEGUI compiles under DevC++?

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Post by :wumpus: »

try Code::Blocks, it's far superior to devc++
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Post by jacmoe »

And, yes - the Code::Blocks guy did manage to compile CEGUI. :)
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