Greetings Fellow Creatives,
For those of you who use my music tracks, please don't forget about my Ogg music packs. Each pack contains all of my tracks to date from my most popular genres:
Fantasy Music - Over 261 Tracks
Sci-Fi Music - Over 260 Tracks
Funny / Quirky / Weird Music - Over 200 Tracks
Puzzle Music - Over 130 Tracks
Chiptunes Music - Over 100 Tracks
Action Music - Over 80 Tracks
Looping Music - Over 60 Tracks
Dark/Ominous Music - Over 50 Tracks
Horror/Surreal Music - Over 50 Tracks
The packs are contained in Zip folders so you can quickly download everything at once.
You can access them from my music pages, or from here:
That said, this week's new free images are on these pages on my site:
TXR - METAL - ARTISTIC - Tile-able
TXR - STONE - ARTISTIC - Tile-able
You can access them, as well as around 5000 other free images, from here:
Enjoy, stay safe and keep creating!