Daimonin MMORPG progress report 04/2005

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Daimonin MMORPG progress report 04/2005

Post by michtoen »

Hello all

As we said we work now on a 3d client for our mmorpg, Daimonin.
Here is a overview about it.

What is Daimonin MMORPG?

Daimonin is a open source mmorpg. It used as base the server code
from crossfire but its a very own project.

Please note: We are not one of these vaporware mmorpg's.
We have the mmorpg part done with working server, (2d)client, editor
and all. We just go now for a real backend - means a 3d client.

Daimonin has a somewhat powerful core system. There the most work
has been done in the last years.

For the 3d client we will change to smooth animation and soft scrolling.
Something we had not done because we lake the 2d animations.
Technically is not a big change - moving is moving for a server.

Please note we will have a different GUI. The current 2d client layout
was done by the limited graphical enviroment not because we like it
so much.

So, here is the what we have done.

3d client & art

We still build up the base structure & framework of the client.
We import modules & stuff for network, internal stuff like compression and so on.
Also we play around with view points, blitting options and camera view.

There are some fixed points we want:

First, not another FPS rpg. There are enough out. We don't want be a
another everquest clone or whatever.

So, because our server has a very powerful tiled map system, we go for
something like baldurs gate, ultima online and/or neverwinter without
zooming or rotation. A fixed orthographic view.

Because we sacrified zoom & turning, we get from the graphic gods a big
boost in other areas. We can use billboards and exactly rendered textures
in a superior way. If you don't know what i means, read this link about
that topic:


Here are some first pictures (this is REALLY only for testing we just want show you the state):


The ninja is from ogre, the scorpion from our own models.

More pictures, source and all is here:

Our artists are happy & working. Here some examples:

Rotating version of a female model (artist: red)

Model with some animation (artist: red)

another player char idea (artist: red):

Some hand drawings (artist: velogfx):

Items for inventory (artist: cat666):

Well, thats just examples. We have *alot* more here:

http://www.daimonin.net/modules.php?op= ... albums.php

Now we look for some ideas, how we render the tiled maps in the best way. We want stay to build up houses with singles part because we want
allow building player houses out of single parts you can build or buy and assemble then. Suggestions are welcome.

For more information, ideas or when you like to join in, come to the
website or to the irc channel:

channel: #daimonin
server: irc.freenode.net

You can contact me or others on the website.

There is a development email list you can join:
http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/list ... onin-devel

Or read the wiki:
http://www.daimonin.net/modules.php?op= ... evelopment

Ok, that all for this time.
I will post from week to week (or month to month) a progress report.

thank you
Michael Toennies
Daimonin MMORPG
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Post by :wumpus: »

I really like the dinosaur man (Khia) concept
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Post by michtoen »

Here are some new screens from Daimonin 3dclient:


A first try of a player character model.

We played around with changing textures & used (wielded) weapons
& sword using the bone animation system of ogre.
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