Tile based Scene Manager?

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Tile based Scene Manager?

Post by GandalfX86 »

Is there any tile based Scene Manager for Ogre?

I want to make a very small RTS game for testing pathfinding and such things. For this I need a scene manager which devides a Terrain into lots of small sqares. Every sqare should have its own number (e.g (12|123), (5|12345), ...) and some height information to apply textures on it or use it for pathfinding.

Is there anybody who made some Scene Manager like this for Ogre? Or is it possible to do this with the standard Scene Manager?
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Post by johnhpus »

Rather than use an actual "simple tile-based system" to render the world, maybe you should just use a tilebased system to determine game logic.

For instance, if you have a page of Ogre terrain that is 1000 x 1000 units in size, you could divide that (for game logic) into a map of 100 x 100 squares of 10 x 10 size. There's no reason that how you render the world has to be the same as the way your represent the "game world" for purposes of AI and pathfinding.

Do you see what I'm saying? All of the tricks and techniques of programming a tilebased game can still apply when only the logical game map is tilebased. Your free to use Ogre to render in any way you want seperate from simple game logic.

Sorry if that's hard to understand as a non-native English speaker. If you don't understand what I mean maybe someone who speaks German would be kind enough to translate.

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Post by Filopher »

If you search the help forum (first page) you'll find a thread that I started about a tile-based terrain manager. I'm too afraid to post the link in yet another thread. :D

I'm creating a turn-based strategy game and I would be very interested in your tests about path-finding and "such things". Perhaps we can help each other.

By the way ... I'm german too, so we could communicate in german via personal messages or ICQ if you want to.
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Post by GandalfX86 »

johnhpus wrote:
Sorry if that's hard to understand as a non-native English speaker. If you don't understand what I mean maybe someone who speaks German would be kind enough to translate.
Thank you for your answer!
I think my English is good enough to understand you :wink:

Of course it is possible to use a tile based AI and use a different system for Ogre, but I thought it would be more useful to use the same system for graphic and AI.
So I can define a ground texture for example and put an object like a tree on it and put this area into a list, so the AI knows that nobody can walk over this area.
Especially for putting textures or objects on a terrain, a tile-scene-manager could be useful.