Extremely low FPS in open gl for bsp_demo?

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Extremely low FPS in open gl for bsp_demo?

Post by M&M »

Well, i was testing with the old demo package (0.15) and i changed the maps being loaded to a few more simpler maps. And i couldnt help but notice that the FPS was really low. Averaging around 30 in a box style map :? . It reached 10 FPS in other maps a bit more advanced.

When i tested ogre on another pc with updated vga drivers (Same card) the results were slightly better but not too much. So i downloaded the new demo pack (actually, i was unaware i was using the old one) and i tried again on the pc with old drivers. Surprisingly the fps was ALOT smoother. However, when i tried it on the pc with the newer drivers the FPS was even more terrible !! :shock: It was really wierd to see that, i tried changing the maps but the fps was still not satisfactory.

The VGA card is the radeon 9200 with 64mbs of memory. Its not dazzling but its powerful enough in my opinion. Other bsp based games play on both pcs very well so i cant see why there is a sudden drop in the fps for ogre.

Using DX9 the FPS seems to sky rocket into a stable 100 fps.

Also, trying the terrain demo (1.0.0) with ogl, i got almost 0 FPS (and spend 10 minutes trying to quit). It worked very well with the new drivers though.

So can anyone tell me why FPS is being low in the bsp demos for open gl and any tips to improve ?
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Post by IoN_PuLse »

What version of drivers are you running, operating system?
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Post by jacmoe »

Can you run Return to Castle Wolfenstein ?
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Post by sinbad »

If it's fine with D3D, it'll be rubbish GL drivers. With good GL drivers there should be little or no difference between D3D and GL performance.
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Post by M&M »

oops, I forgot to mention the system specs.

Pc with old drivers:
2.4ghz/ 256ddram / Win XP pro sp2 / Catalyst drivers v4.9 (release 09/09/04)
Pc with new drivers:
1.7ghz / 256ddram / Win XP pro sp2 / Catalyst Drivers v5.3 (release 03/08/05)
p.s: i got that from the readme, but i think they've swapped the 3 with 8.

I've ran the following tests at the EXACT same position in both maps cause the fps varies at other areas (naturally)
Average FPS on old drivers for BSP demo: 55 FPS
Average FPS on new drivers for BSP demo: 20 fps

DX9 averages around 80-90 on both pcs.
Can you run Return to Castle Wolfenstein ?
Yes, it runs quite smoothly but i've never looked at the FPS before
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Post by jacmoe »

M&M wrote:
Can you run Return to Castle Wolfenstein ?
Yes, it runs quite smoothly but i've never looked at the FPS before
RTCW is being used as an OpenGL benchmark - if you can run it smoothly, then OpenGL probably works OK.
What about Doom III? (That's putting OpenGL to the test even more).
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Post by M&M »

hmm, i havent tried doom 3 on either of those pcs. i did try it on another pc with a different card (geforce fx 5200) but it was rather slow due to my low ram (256mbs)