changing mesh....

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changing mesh....

Post by aznlz »

we have a problem here is about change mesh as the feature of our game project.
the concept in our game is the users can change clothes on each character when they want,so we divide our character to 3 parts which are head,upper clothes,lower clothes.
but as we all know,Ogre only allow to export one mesh at time,and we are not that far to attach each mesh on the node bone in ogre.
so we decide attach our 3 parts of character to be one mesh.
be4 attach every mesh to be one,i named every single mesh a individual name such as upper_clothes1,lower_clothes1,head1.
of coz i did select one of those mesh to be main one which is upper_clothes1,so the only one mesh be4 i export is called upper_clothes1.
here comes the question,how do we change the upper_clothes when we have another totally different mesh aside and i export it as a single xml,
since i attach those 3 part together,will it be impossible to have those 3 part change individually? or i better just create a character fully?
i also tried the octopus which allow me to export entire sence,but when i export it,i got this msg,
runtime error:unknown struct member:#fristframe
please help.
thanks in advance.
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Post by eugen »

i dont know if your problem can be detailed in fewer words :)
what is the exporter u use?

but from what i understand, u need to change the mesh regarding the clothes the character wares...

a simple solution will be to change only the material of the clothes mesh (having 3 separate meshes for upper, lower and head), this will let u edit the meshes in your 3d program then save; do this for all clothes u have (means creating materials for each type of clothes), then use the meshes (attached to 3 nodes of your character) and only change the material u edited...

antoher solution will be to have all those 3 meshes exported as submeshes of the same main mesh, then only change the material for those three submeshes accordingly...

anyway, i might be out of subject, but a little bit more organized details wont hurt :)