C#/ .NET Component in master

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C#/ .NET Component in master

Post by paroj »

I finally came to finishing the Csharp bindings which now join Java and Python as an official Component.

see here for an example and instructions how to build/ use it:
https://github.com/OGRECave/ogre/tree/m ... les/Csharp

While this component replaces MOGRE, no efforts were spent on backwards compatibility. Notably you have to use getters/ setters instead of properties.

Also I only tested this with Mono on Linux, so additional testing on Windows would be very welcome.
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Re: C#/ .NET Component in master

Post by Zonder »

This will be more like the other OGRE bbindings can't remember what they are called :S than MOGRE

There are some 2.0 bindings for ogre as well https://github.com/amerkoleci/mogre NON OFFICIAL

How would the compatability be for v2 with the binding generation?
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Re: C#/ .NET Component in master

Post by paroj »

yes these binding are SWIG based - like the others.

Using SWIG for v2 is possible - however changes required on the C++ side, so the port is non-trivial. Currently I have no plans to do the port to v2.
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Re: C#/ .NET Component in master

Post by Zonder »

No wasn't expecting you to do it ;)

Could you detail whats needed though? I may have a look don't actually need them but may get bored over christmas haha :D
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Re: C#/ .NET Component in master

Post by paroj »

things like this:
https://github.com/OGRECave/ogre/commit ... 5ae8b80552

you will mostly only find them as you try to use the bindings.

Also I recall the C# bindings particularly did not work correctly with custom memory allocators that were removed with 1.11.