Data Converter

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Data Converter

Post by eeheeehe »

I had been looking for an easy way to pull data from a file and use it in the game as something other than Ogre::String. After looking through the forums, I found no answer, but did find a few people who wanted to know the same thing. So Im posting this code here so that other people can use it.

The Header File

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#include "Ogre.h"
#include "OgreConfigFile.h"
#include "OgreStringConverter.h"
#include <stdlib.h> 

class SetupFileVar

float SetupFileFloat(const char* file, const char* value)
     ConfigFile setupfile;
     Ogre::String resultOgreString = setupfile.getSetting(value);
     const char* resultString = resultOgreString.c_str();
     float result = atof(resultString);
     return result;     

int SetupFileInt(const char* file, const char* value)
     ConfigFile setupfile;
     Ogre::String resultOgreString = setupfile.getSetting(value);
     const char* resultString = resultOgreString.c_str();
     int result = atoi(resultString);
     return result;     

const char* SetupFileString(const char* file, const char* value)
      ConfigFile setupfile;
      Ogre::String resultOgreString = setupfile.getSetting(value);
      const char* resultString = resultOgreString.c_str();
      return resultString;

bool SetupFileBool(const char* file, const char* value)
     ConfigFile setupfile;
     Ogre::String resultOgreString = setupfile.getSetting(value);
     const char* resultString = resultOgreString.c_str();
     //bool result;
     if(resultString = "TRUE")
         return true;
         return false;

Ogre::String SetupFileOgreString(const char* file, const char* value)
     ConfigFile setupfile;
     Ogre::String resultOgreString = setupfile.getSetting(value);
     return resultOgreString;     



Calling the program
Change this line:

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class RSApplication : public ExampleApplication
to this:

Code: Select all

class RSApplication : public ExampleApplication, SetupFileVar
To retrieve a variable from a file (MyConfigFile.cfg) use the following syntax:
  • Float

    Code: Select all

    float myfloat = SetupFileVars::SetupFileFloat("MyConfigFile.cfg", "MyFloat");
  • Integer

    Code: Select all

    int myInt = SetupFileVars::SetupFileInt("MyConfigFile.cfg", "MyInt");
  • C String

    Code: Select all

    const char* myString = SetupFileVars::SetupFileString("MyConfigFile.cfg", "MyString");
  • Integer

    Code: Select all

    bool myBool = SetupFileVars::SetupFileBool("MyConfigFile.cfg", "MyBool");
  • Integer

    Code: Select all

    Ogre::String myInt = SetupFileVars::SetupFileOgreString("MyConfigFile.cfg", "MyOgreString");
If there is a mistake in this, please post it here, or if you make a modification that makes the executables work better.
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Post by sinbad »

I'm having trouble understanding why you think you need this. What's so hard about this:

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ConfigFile cfg;
bool settingBool = StringConverter::parseBool(cfg.getSetting("mybool"));
int settingInt = StringConverter::parseInt(cfg.getSetting("myint"));
Real settingReal = StringConverter::parseReal(cfg.getSetting("myReal"));
Vector3 settingVector = StringConverter::parseVector3(cfg.getSetting("myVector"));
// etc
So, I think this code is redundant. Your code also has a number of problems, such as loading the file every time for retrieving a single setting, not supporting file sections, not supporting multi-settings, and not supporting vectors, matrices, quaternions, being obsessed with c-strings (shudder - you can always convert an Ogre::String to a horrible old c-string using the c_str() method anyway). Maybe you just didn't know about StringConverter?
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Post by Mr.Bloodworth »

In English this does what?
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Post by jacmoe »

Mr.Bloodworth wrote:In English this does what?
What is "this" and what is "what" ? :)
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Thank You for the Input

Post by eeheeehe »


lol, as a matter of fact, I did not know about the StringConverter, or how to use it :P Thanks for being honest about it though Sinbad. :D This was just a quick code and I didn't want to improve on it if nobody liked it. But now that I know there is an actual code for it, then I will have to look it up and use that instead.

Thank you for your honest input. I would rather know that something was bad and find a better solution than think that something was good, and it really sucks.

Or in short:
Im glad that a developer pointed this out, instead of a player.