Blender 2.80 is around the corner it seems, and with all shiny new features it is also breaking python API. So I am curious, does anyone here has a plan to update one of the existing exporters or write a new one?
Reading these forums I've got an impression that quite a few users seem to prefer to use something else than .mesh and therefore don't need a special exporter. I was sticking to Blender -> .xml -> .mesh/.skeleton workflow till now. Even though I was not entirely happy about it and was thinking of maybe creating own exporter which would suit my needs a bit better still was not forced to do it. Now it might be the time, but before committing to it I thought I might try to ask around first maybe somebody is already working on updating/rewriting Blender -> Ogre xml exporter to work with 2.80.
I'm working off of this branch and I'm having an issue such that the mesh exports correctly, but the exported materials files they reference are always identical and have no info about color, etc. Any chance this is an issue in the branch itself? I figure I'm probably just exporting incorrectly somehow, but I'm not sure what I might be doing wrong. Thanks!
I confirm, colours are not exported to the material file. No matter what I tried, only a generic material seems to be exported with the colour information set as:
Was the previous version meant to use Cycles, or only the now deprecated Blender Internal? If so, I suppose that would be why, as the exporter now needs to get that information from a different location than before.