Blender placement question

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Blender placement question

Post by Nazrix »

I created a room in Blender with each wall being seperate, and also a seperate door. It all looks great in ogre, but I want to be able to rotate the door mesh to simulate opening the door.

The problem is that it rotates around the center of the world (where the sceneNode is set)

Is there a way to get around this?
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Re: Blender placement question

Post by reimpell »

Nazrix wrote:The problem is that it rotates around the center of the world (where the sceneNode is set)
You can use skeletal animation with the animations "open" and "close". Also, you can shift the mesh relatively to the objects origin in Blender or use Blender's world origin and export in world coordinates.
Posts: 47
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2002 9:18 pm


Post by Nazrix »

Thanks. I didn't even think of using skeletal animation. I think that would be a pretty good option.