Models reacting to bullet hits (Ragdolls)

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Models reacting to bullet hits (Ragdolls)

Post by Bobo7581 »

I making a game shooting animated models and have been looking at the zombie ragdoll demo in OgreOde. The zombie looks pretty cool when he dies although sometimes when you shoot him from the front and back and he hits the floor he bounces or spazzs around a bit. Neway, i think this looks cools cool for when you can to kill a model, however i was thinking of harder bosses taking a coupla shoots before they die...

Obs i could just keep track of the shots and on the fifth one or so, i turn into a ragdoll and it dies but i'd like the model if possible to react to hits, i.e. if shot on the shoulder, turn a little and then come back to normal. Could this be done with a ragdoll with no gravity or would it just completely fuck up, otherwise i seem me having to adjust the bones or manual animation ??

I read a few posts on spring based character animation, i don't know if this is anything like that i sense it could be quite hard to do!!
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Post by Raven »

I would think that you will need to get a model that has a 'hit' animation built in. So when ever there is a hit you take off health and give the required animation.
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Post by Bobo7581 »

Yeah i was thinking about that but, as with the ragdoll, i wanted it to react to where it was hit, i.e. hit in the shoulder twist that shoulder a little then back etc... obs i would need alot of animations to cover every instance
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I've also been thinking about using this. If you can make a ragdoll take over for a very short time, then give control back to the skeleton+animation, it should do exactly what you want. I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
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Post by Robomaniac »

phear hingo

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Post by dermont »

You can already simulate this to some extent. After shooting (X) press (C) button to release the physics control and restore animation. Depending on where you hit the zombie and how quickly you press (C) give different results.