[2.1] Using CEGUI v8

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[2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by Frankincense »

Hi all,

I recently updated to Ogre 2.1 from 1.10 and I am trying to get CEGUI (OgreRenderer, Linux) to work with it too, with mixed results. I first attempted to use the default CEGUI branch which I could get working but the performance was not great - even in Release mode with only a single window and a few controls.

I have now attempted to go back to the CEGUI v0.8 branch and apply the patches mentioned in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=82911, but for what-ever reason I cannot get anything to render (just a black screen) which I assume is due to the compositor setup or viewport changes.

I used the files in this post: viewtopic.php?p=539373#p539373 to compare against for the CEGUI OgreRenderer and scene setup but nothing seems to work.

Is anyone using CEGUI (v0.8 or default branches) with the latest Ogre 2.1 successfully?

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Re: [2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by dermont »


I'm not used Ogre 2.1 for some time but it sill appears to work with with the current cegui v0-8 and Ogre v2-1 git repos. The changes/updates were from other users, I only zipped them up for someone who was trouble applying the changes.

I added an include path to CMake file <your_path>/sdk/v2-1/include/OGRE/Hlms/Common and commented out :

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      //    "OgreTrayImages/MouseArrow");
It's been so long but the one thing I do recall is that Ogre2.1/default CEGUI branch combo was about 50% slower that of the 2.1/ modified cegui v0-8.
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Re: [2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by Frankincense »

With the v0-8 branch from Github I had to make almost all of the changes in those files to get it to compile, so I assumed that v0-8 hadn't been kept up-to-date with the latest Ogre 2.1

Unless I'm missing something I don't believe v0-8 builds with Ogre 2.1 straight from the repo? Maybe because 2.1 now has the merged PBO branch?
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Re: [2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by Arth »


i'm also using cegui-default-branch with Ogre2.1.
i was previously using cegui v0.8 an Ogre2.0 but there were issues that not everything was working.

i also had performance problems at first, but when i started setting text to widgets as following everywhere in my code, it was going away:

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if(window->getText() != text)
Also i had to not use any CEGUI::ProgressBar, as this widgets performace was very bad (was not any problem with cegui v0.8 ) .

I have only one problem left, see viewtopic.php?f=25&t=95988

If you have clipping problems (cegui-default-branch with Ogre2.1), there is a unmerged pull request for a fix:
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Re: [2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by Frankincense »

Arth wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:09 am i also had performance problems at first, but when i started setting text to widgets as following everywhere in my code, it was going away:

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if(window->getText() != text)
Thanks, I will have a look - if I cannot get v0-8 working I may have to go back to default and use your changes. Where do you put this exactly? Whenever you set the text of a Window?
Arth wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:09 am i'm also using cegui-default-branch with Ogre2.1.
i was previously using cegui v0.8 an Ogre2.0 but there were issues that not everything was working.
I think I would prefer to stick with v0-8 if I could, as I know its reasonably stable, and I can't see anything in default that actually benefits me yet!

Does anyone have a working CEGUI v0-8 OgreRenderer with Ogre 2.1 latest (after the PSO merge)?
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Re: [2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by Arth »

Thanks, I will have a look - if I cannot get v0-8 working I may have to go back to default and use your changes. Where do you put this exactly? Whenever you set the text of a Window?
yes, whenever you set the text of a Window.
think I would prefer to stick with v0-8 if I could, as I know its reasonably stable, and I can't see anything in default that actually benefits me yet!
I had the problem that RenderTextures were not correctly implemented in the CEGUI-OgreRenderer and i had to
"window->setUsingAutoRenderingSurface(false)" for all CEGUI-framewindows to account for that. Also it cased the problems that it was not possible to rotate a image in CEGUI and also rendering a CEGUI window to an Ogre object's (Entity or item) texture, was not possible.
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Re: [2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by Frankincense »

My final issue in moving to Ogre 2.1 is that AutoRenderingSurface's do not work in CEGUI (which I need to perform some custom shading). Does anyone have a working CEGUI v0.8 with AutoRenderingSurface set to True?

In RenderDoc there are two draw calls made for a Window that has an AutoRenderingSurface. The first has the input texture which appears to write to the backbuffer:


And the second I think is the 'normal' rendering of the surface which should receive the output from the above render, but instead the input is a blank texture:

To me, I would have thought that the first draw call should be to an RTT instead of the backbuffer?

I imagine that the render target (whether its the main render window or an RTT) is held by the viewport? So maybe the issue is in https://github.com/cegui/cegui/blob/v0- ... Target.inl somewhere

Edit: This looks like an outstanding issue for Ogre 2.1 - https://github.com/cegui/cegui/issues/1137
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Re: [2.1] Using CEGUI v8

Post by Frankincense »

I figured the issue was something to do with the fact that when using the new Compositor2, CEGUI does not create viewports for its texture render targets (https://github.com/cegui/cegui/blob/v0- ... Target.inl & https://github.com/cegui/cegui/blob/v0- ... Target.cpp).

I had a go at removing the '#if !defined(CEGUI_USE_OGRE_COMPOSITOR2)' checks and changing

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d_viewport = OGRE_NEW Ogre::Viewport(0, d_renderTarget, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0);

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d_viewport = d_renderTarget->addViewport( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
but Render Doc still shows the first pass as rendering to the backbuffer rather than the RTT that's created.

I think that CEGUI OgreGeometryBuffer is always using the main render target's viewport rather than the RTT's viewport: https://github.com/cegui/cegui/blob/v0- ... r.cpp#L178.
If I change the line to

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Ogre::Viewport* currentViewport = previousViewport;//d_owner.getOgreRenderTarget()->getViewport(0);
then the first pass of the auto render window gets rendered to the texture rather than the backbuffer!

So I presume that the solution is to use the RTT's viewport when we are rendering it, not sure exactly how this should be done yet though.