I'm testing OpenGL3Plus with newest Ogre version and got some serious rendering issues.
Log Info:
Code: Select all
GPU buffer pools (meshes, const, texture, indirect & uav buffers): 49/64 MB
GPU StagingTextures. In use: 0 MB. Available: 176 MB. Total:176
GPU Textures: 236 MB
CPU Textures: 0 MB
Total GPU: 476 MB
12:37:02: Vertex Shader: 100000016VertexShader_vs
Fragment Shader: 100000016PixelShader_ps
GLSL link result :
Vertex info
error: binding mismatch between shaders for SSBO (named _varName__arg_)
Fragment info
0(1300) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourS" might be used before being initialized
0(1300) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourD" might be used before being initialized
Link info
error: different buffer variables (named worldMatBuf[0] and f3dLightList[0]) sharing the same offset within a storage block (named _varName__arg_) between shaders
error: members of storage block (named _varName__arg_) are not the same between shaders
12:37:06: [GameObject] Creating Gameobject 3918538002 for scene node name: Plane_0
12:37:06: [DatablockPbsComponent] Init datablock pbs component for game object: Plane_0
12:37:06: [PlaneComponent] Init plane component for game object: Plane_0
12:37:16: Mesh: Loading barrel.mesh.
12:37:16: WARNING: barrel.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.41]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshTool tool.
12:37:16: Vertex Shader: 100000014VertexShader_vs
Fragment Shader: 100000014PixelShader_ps
GLSL link result :
Vertex info
error: binding mismatch between shaders for SSBO (named _varName__arg_)
Fragment info
0(1303) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourS" might be used before being initialized
0(1303) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourD" might be used before being initialized
Link info
error: different buffer variables (named worldMatBuf[0] and f3dLightList[0]) sharing the same offset within a storage block (named _varName__arg_) between shaders
error: members of storage block (named _varName__arg_) are not the same between shaders
12:37:19: Mesh: Loading Bed1.mesh.
12:37:19: WARNING: Bed1.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.41]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshTool tool.
12:37:19: Vertex Shader: 100000020VertexShader_vs
Fragment Shader: 100000020PixelShader_ps
GLSL link result :
Vertex info
error: binding mismatch between shaders for SSBO (named _varName__arg_)
Fragment info
0(1303) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourS" might be used before being initialized
0(1303) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourD" might be used before being initialized
Link info
error: different buffer variables (named worldMatBuf[0] and f3dLightList[0]) sharing the same offset within a storage block (named _varName__arg_) between shaders
error: members of storage block (named _varName__arg_) are not the same between shaders
http://www.lukas-kalinowski.com/Homepag ... Issues.png
When I load a sky, the sky is visible, but the whole thing is getting even more weird.
http://www.lukas-kalinowski.com/Homepag ... Issues.png
I tried to place barrel mesh, but its stuck on the top (no raycast working) and looks really strange.
Log info:
Code: Select all
12:43:00: Vertex Shader: 100000014VertexShader_vs
Fragment Shader: 100000014PixelShader_ps
GLSL link result :
Vertex info
error: binding mismatch between shaders for SSBO (named _varName__arg_)
Fragment info
0(1303) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourS" might be used before being initialized
0(1303) : warning C7050: "pixelData.envColourD" might be used before being initialized
Link info
error: different buffer variables (named worldMatBuf[0] and f3dLightList[0]) sharing the same offset within a storage block (named _varName__arg_) between shaders
error: members of storage block (named _varName__arg_) are not the same between shaders
12:43:09: FreeImage error: 'FreeImage_Save: failed to open file ./Captures/2020-10-8_43_9.png' when loading format PNG
By the way: I carefully compared the shaders (hlms, materials and .gl). I only create a topic, if I have no idea anymore, what could be wrong.
Best Regards