Is there any way to customise the rendering order of transparents?

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Is there any way to customise the rendering order of transparents?

Post by GingerBreadHero »


I'm evaluating Ogre for our project. It involves rendering multiple translucent surfaces where each surface also has sub-entities that are overlaid on top of the base surface. It is quite a difficult problem that we are only able to do correctly by using depth peeling or some similar advanced technique. However this post is not about that, since we also try and provide a fixed function solution for customers on ancient hardware that is not completely terrible. We do this by subdividing the surfaces and sorting the subdivided entities back to front in the conventional way, but with some modifications based on the known facts about the different entity types and their rendering priority.

So my question about this fixed function solution, is there any way for me to modify or override the way in which Ogre sorts transparents?

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Re: Is there any way to customise the rendering order of transparents?

Post by paroj »

take a look what the Transparency sample does when WBOIT is enabled.
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Re: Is there any way to customise the rendering order of transparents?

Post by bishopnator »

Which OGRE branch should contain the sample_transparency (or is there another name for the project)? I have git check-out of ogre-next and there is nothing like that - I searched also source code for WBOIT and no results. I suppose WBOIT stands for Weighted Blended OIT (based on ... sample.htm). It would be great to see the sample running.

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Re: Is there any way to customise the rendering order of transparents?

Post by paroj »