[Solved] Sometimes depth write only doesn't work

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[Solved] Sometimes depth write only doesn't work

Post by Ray1184 »

Ogre Version: 13.2.3
Operating System: Windows 10
Render System: OpenGL

I'm asking here because of a strange behavior in depth write.
In my engine I use the depth only write on materials to simulate old 2.5D adventures, such alone in the dark trilogy, resident evil etc...
So, I use an entity with depth write only material, and I draw a background with the scene rendering.
I created this helper method:

Code: Select all

inline static void SetWriteDepthOnly(Ogre::Entity* entity)
            auto material = entity->getSubEntity(0)->getMaterial();
This simple system does its job most of the time, but, I don't know why, more or less 5% of the time (in any case very reraly), when I start my engine, depth write is not working, as if depth write flag was not be setted. If I close the window and start again, It works without any problem.
Could it be that I forgot something? Maybe there's a more stable and better solution for managing this?

Thanks a lot
Last edited by Ray1184 on Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sometimes depth write only doesn't work

Post by paroj »

is your app threaded? Do you use the RTSS?
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Re: Sometimes depth write only doesn't work

Post by Ray1184 »

Hi, my app is single thread, and I'm not using RTSS, but standard material system
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Re: Sometimes depth write only doesn't work

Post by Ray1184 »

UPDATE: I tried to play a bit with rendering bucket and maybe (I hope) it's solved.
Probabily sometimes these "depth only" entities are rendered after the standard entities and depth test fails for some reasons (I don't know why...)
Setting in depth entites a lower value then standard entities for rendering group, seems solving the problem.

In any case thanks for support!
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Re: [Solved] Sometimes depth write only doesn't work

Post by loath »

In my experience, this happens when multiple entities in the same Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_* are depth fighting based on who lucks out and goes first. It may be that most of the time you see it working because of luck and the objects are in the correct order. Other times, the ordering is changed slightly, and you see the issue making you wonder why this does not occur all the time.

When I get strange behavior for an object I look to see what other objects are in the same or similar render queue and move them forward or backward as necessary.