[ogre 13] debugging advances and vulkan

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[ogre 13] debugging advances and vulkan

Post by loath »

somehow i missed this but awhile back @paroj mentioned some debugging improvements on patreon:

do i just need to update to the latest ogre 13 to see these? awesome change!

i know vulkan support is farther out and won't necessarily support HLSL right away but...
what are the advantages with the vulkan rendersystem? better performance than dx11 i'm assuming? anything else?

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Re: [ogre 13] debugging advances and vulkan

Post by paroj »

you should get the texture names out of the box with 13.2+.
To get the grouping by RenderTarget and Material, you have to compile Ogre with OGRE_PROFILING=ON. This is hidden behind that option as it requires debug markers per-frame, which may slow down rendering.

As for Vulkan; there is no immediate advantage of using it besides trying the new stack. It is not yet feature-complete with GL3+ (the primary goal right now). Therefore I actually expect it to be slower than the other rendersystems.

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Re: [ogre 13] debugging advances and vulkan

Post by loath »

great, didn't know this! thanks!