Which "workload" to install from Visual Studio Community 2022 installer to start working with Ogre?

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Which "workload" to install from Visual Studio Community 2022 installer to start working with Ogre?

Post by learnstuff »

Hi there, I wish to learn C++ game programming and practice that using Ogre :) and nope I don't plan to make the next mmo or the next hit game. I just want to do the most basic things one can imagine and grow from there like a seedling. I got some basic programming experience with C# and LUA. But I specifically wish to learn C++ this year, I've considered Unreal but I love how the rendering looks in Ogre.

I did refer to the https://ogrecave.github.io/ogre/api/lat ... -ogre.html but I'm not sure which version of Visual Studio is correct to use. In this forum I found a thread from 2015, which covers about using VS2015 but that was 8 years ago so I'm not sure if I should even follow that advice?

In the Visual Studio Community 2022 installer I can see 2 options:

First one "Universal Windows Platform Development" is this the correct one to pick?

Second one "Game Development with C++ powered by DirectX, Unreal, or Cocos2d" my intuition tells me, this cannot be right as Ogre is not mentioned there xD and likely this is tailored for the mentioned engines instead

Some guidance would be highly appreciated, thank you ^^

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Re: Which "workload" to install from Visual Studio Community 2022 installer to start working with Ogre?

Post by sercero »


I don't use Visual Studio so my advice might not be the best.

But I don't think that you have to select anything.

Just install the latest CMake, follow the steps in the "Guide to building OGRE" that you posted and then you will get a Visual Studio project file.

Double click that file and it should open Visual Studio with everything preconfigured and the project (OGRE library) ready to be built.

The options you are trying to select now are for when you want to create a new project with some known libraries and the have presets for that.

The thing I recommend you stay away from is UWP (Universal Windows Platform) because it is not very flexible nor portable, that was Microsoft attempt to lock people into their store but fortunately it failed and people rejected it.

Once you have OGRE built as a library then you have to go through the steps of creating a project for your own application.

In that case there is another guide with similar steps using CMake but now creating a CMake file for your own project.

But one step at a time, for now concentrate on building OGRE.

If you have any trouble with VS 2022 you can use VS 2019, I think most people are using that.