is ogre 13.4 currently a good choice for the 3d model editor?

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is ogre 13.4 currently a good choice for the 3d model editor?

Post by baekinsun »

i have some experience with the ogre3d 1.6 version a long time ago.

since then, i got some experience through Unity3d, Unreal, and webgl via three.js, and now i am necessary to create a model editor for Windows(C# Winform).

i purpose to load 3d model(fbx or gltf using assimp) and some editting(eg. translate vertex position) and save it.

target model has many vertex count, so model editor need to handle heavy environment situation.

it seems that i should use ogre 13.4 instead of ogre-next, because i use C# Winform.

although, i have considered as many other 3d engines as possible with C#.

but, that's not support Winform Control(Unity3D) or need to implement it at a low level(OpenTK or Silk.NET).

i already tested ogre 13.4 is work fine for my case.

so, i wonder if an ogre is a good option or there is a better option in my situation.

best regards.

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Re: is ogre 13.4 currently a good choice for the 3d model editor?

Post by loath »

seems like a pretty good use case for ogre. i have not used assimp before but i'd guess this is the biggest challenge in my mind.