Do we have any tools for open or edit *.Scene, *.height, and terrain?

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Do we have any tools for open or edit *.Scene, *.height, and terrain?

Post by phuvinh1408 »

I am a new in Ogre3d, If my questions bother you, please forgive me, because I just want to learn more about Ogre3d.

I wonder to know do we have any tools can open or edit *.Scene, terrain, and *.height in ogre. Or maybe the app can load scene files. If you guys have any ideas please let me a guide that I can learn. Thank you alot.


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Re: Do we have any tools for open or edit *.Scene, *.height, and terrain?

Post by sercero »

Can you post here the .scene file or in pastebin?

So we can check if it is an Ogre .scene file because the format might be different.

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Re: Do we have any tools for open or edit *.Scene, *.height, and terrain?

Post by phuvinh1408 »

This is the link for my Scene files. So in the scene file they will load the mesh object. You can download It and take a look. So in these file I saw a file named skyphere, but my game engines could not load that file to make a skybox. So for now, I want to add skybox or dynamic sky in my project, but I cannot edit the game engines, so do you guys have any way to solve that?

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Re: Do we have any tools for open or edit *.Scene, *.height, and terrain?

Post by sercero »

I have been looking at the file: luoyang.Scene and it is not an OGRE .scene (or DotScene) format.

You can check the DotScene documentation here: ... s/DotScene

Sorry, it seems that it was developed by the game creators.

It should not be too difficult to parse though, check the source of DotScene to create your own loader it is not hard.

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Re: Do we have any tools for open or edit *.Scene, *.height, and terrain?

Post by phuvinh1408 »

Yeah, I think the creator built from ogre source, but in a different way. I am so thankful because you helped me figure out.