Sorry I forgot to reply!
I'm not sure what you want to do because there's a billion ways to approach this, and some approaches will make your life easier, others harder.
One way would be to split the nodes lin 2 ike this:
Code: Select all
compositor_node SSAO_RenderNode
in 0 rt_renderwindow
texture RT0 target_width target_height PFG_RGBA8_UNORM_SRGB msaa_auto
texture gBufferNormals target_width target_height PFG_R10G10B10A2_UNORM msaa_auto explicit_resolve
texture depthTexture target_width target_height PFG_D32_FLOAT msaa_auto
rtv RT0
colour RT0 gBufferNormals
depth_stencil depthTexture
target RT0
pass render_scene
all clear
clear_colour 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1
clear_colour 1 0.5 0.5 1.0 1
lod_update_list off
overlays off
gen_normals_gbuffer true
out 0 RT0
out 1 gBufferNormals
out 2 depthTexture
compositor_node SSAO_RenderNodePART2
in 0 RT0
in 1 gBufferNormals
in 2 depthTexture
in 3 rt_renderwindow
target depthTextureCopy
pass render_quad
load { all dont_care }
material Ogre/Depth/DownscaleMax
input 0 depthTexture
target ssaoTexture
pass render_quad
all clear
clear_colour 1 1 1 1
material SSAO/HS
input 0 depthTextureCopy
input 1 gBufferNormals
quad_normals camera_far_corners_view_space
target blurTextureHorizontal
pass render_quad
load { all dont_care }
material SSAO/BlurH
input 0 ssaoTexture
input 1 depthTextureCopy
target blurTextureVertical
pass render_quad
load { all dont_care }
material SSAO/BlurV
input 0 blurTextureHorizontal
input 1 depthTextureCopy
target rt_renderwindow
pass render_quad
load { all dont_care }
material SSAO/Apply
input 0 blurTextureVertical
input 1 RT0
pass render_scene
lod_update_list off
//Render Overlays
overlays on
rq_first 254
rq_last 255
workspace SSAOWorkspace
connect SSAO_RenderNode SSAO_RenderNodePART2
connect_output SSAO_RenderNodePART2 3
Now if you want to do something in the middle, the "best" way is something that needs some thought to see the simplest way.
Btw are you familiar with Blender's compositor nodes?
Even though we don't have such nice UI to interact them, they way our connections work is the same.
I suggest you try to follow one of the many tutorials available online to get the hang of it, just for the fun of it.
Once how it works "clicks" in your mind, you'll find a much easier time figuring out the best way to deal with compositor nodes in OgreNext.